
What are the things i need to pack in my bag for labor?

by  |  earlier

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anything i need to take that i might not know?




  1. I packed waaay to much when I did my hospital bag. Just the basics...

    change of clothes

    Nightgown (so ur not stuck in the hospital ones)

    clean underwear (hospital underwear are gross)

    socks & slippers


    makeup (it'll make you feel better)





    back massager (for labor)

    movies or something to occupy ur time after birth

    can't think of anything else off the top of my head...but good luck!!!

  2. Pack what you think you will need. You  might be in the hospital for a few days so you want to pack for that long.

    4-6 pair of underwear



    you're own soap/body wash

    comfy slippers

    your comfy pillow

    hair clips, brush, comb, twisties

    toothbrush, toothpaste

    clothes to leave the hospital with

    baby first picture outfit

    baby outfits, hats, booties. depending on when you have the baby

    bring coat, gloves or whatever to keep warm

    if it's going to be hot, still have like a one peice or multi layer clothes


    socks, shoes

    washcloth, towel... so you don't have to wait for the hospital to re-up


  3. hard candies, magazines, a large comfy robe and socks, focal point, brush and hairties, toiletries, camera

  4. Best answer to this is anything you might want overnight to make you comfortable. Similar to what you might pack if going on vacation.

    The only thing I would suggest that I forgot was a pillow 'cause hospital pillows suck, a couple of different outfits for baby (I only brought 2 and he dirtied both before I got him home) and chapstick!

    I was in the hospital for 4 days after my c-section and I forgot so much I had to have my husband keep making trips home to get me stuff.

  5. Socks, blankets, a little water spray bottle for your face, a fan, maybe some CDs (I was too distracted to listen to them), a few pairs of clothes, super heavy duty maxi pads, PRUNE JUICE (don't leave home without it!!!), deoderant, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth wash, camera, batteries, a comfy pillow (hospital pillows suck), and maybe a punching bag,... lol.

    As for the baby, you'll need to bring a nail file (they are born with long finger nails), about 6 pairs of clothes, half newborn, half 1-3 months, hats, socks, receiving blankets, diapers, wipes, baby powder (just incase the hospital doesn't supply that), and lots of love!

  6. I Way Overpacked! I didnt use most of the stuff i brought. The hospital had pretty much everthing i needed.  

  7. diapers


    receiving blankets (3-4)

    newborn outfits

    carseat (take it in with you so it's not sitting in a hot car)

    adult diapers for you


    This wasn't a subjective question here folks (whatever twits thumbed me down).  I am a father of two, and brought all of these things and more for both of my daughter's births.  

    If you didn't bring or need some of those, that's fine, but the question was, in case you have difficulty reading, "what are the things i need to pack in my bag for labor?", and I amswered from my experience.

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