
What are the things/possesions worth havinf for and fighting for?

by  |  earlier

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i mean having hot havinf




  1. money. money. money.




  2. Never fight for material possessions. Easier said than done. The things we should fight are values like self-respect, human dignity, .... and finally a peaceful world for everyone.

  3. Things and possessions are not part of philosophy. Philosophy is about thinking and being aware that you are not the thought. Fighting is like , having s*x for chastity.


  4. Peace of mind

  5. Interesting to see no-one has listed any actual material possessions yet.

    I really like this discussion. People always say money can't buy you happiness. Maybe not but you can afford all the things you want for your loved ones and chose amongst the best of what the world offers for yourself. How you distribute your wealth is then up to your best judgement.

    True financial security and independence is one of life's greatest challenges and is a powerful indicator of how much we all need each other and our local community.

    You need a place to call your own and to give a home to those you love & wish to shelter.

    You need a reliable way to transport yourself around to best serve yourself and others.

    You need to guarantee further income, again for yourself and those you love & protect.

    Any item that helps connect you better to the world and to preserve your future earnings and influence is worth considering, as long as the suffering involved in its production is kept to a minimum.

    Just remember: you cannot buy trust. Ever.

    Also if you have an Aston Martin DB9 customised by Le Mansory or better yet a fully restored Lamborghini Miura SV lying around that you don't need let me know.

    All the best.

  6. your kids

    your rights

    your freedom

    a decent spell checker :P LOL

  7. all the free stuff

  8. Nothing as you have come alone and will die alone.

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