
What are the things that Allah can never forgive you for?

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I am very curious. I am muslim and i want to know. I also want to know what things Allah can forgive.




  1. As everyone said, Allah will not forgive those who makes a partner with him, it is shirk!!

  2. Bombing the world trade center

  3. Allah can forgive everything but He won't forgive shirk if you die in the state of shirk without repentance.

  4. I think one of the biggest sins (if not the biggest sins) is associating partners with Allah and/or believing in false idols.

  5. The answer in short is:

    Allah is capable of forgiving everything, and will forgive any sins if someone sincerely repented before they are in their death beds... and before the sun rises from the west.

    But after death,

    He is also The Just and therefore won't forgive the crime of shirk/associating partnetrs in worship.  

    Other than that, He might enter some others to heaven even after sin due to the weight of their other good actions, intentions and situations etc...

    There are other major sins, such as murder/suicide, leaving off prayer, or any other pillars of worship because of ignorace, to be involved in black-magic(which is a kind of shirk), running away from the battlefield, taking interests/riba, oppressing/abusing others etc. These are also very big sins and very heavy in weight and may not be forgiven.  but like i said befire, may be forgiven depending... or one may be punished for the crime and then enter paradise etc.

  6. Shirk is the one Allah will never forgive.

    There is a hadith warning against Shirk bcoz its Minute as an Ant ,I dont remember the exaci words so i will later post the Hadith if find

  7. Allah CAN forgive anything! but he WILL NOT forgive Shirk

  8. According to the Quraan,Shirk Is the onl;y thing if done Allah does not forgive it unless u repent (make Tawbah).  

  9. Shirk

    Do not pray to AbuBaker and Umer.

    Inshallah- Allah will forgive our personal sins.

    Allah loves us.

  10. While Allah may forgive other crimes, 'shirk', associating partners with Allah is the one unforgivable crime because it goes against the very purpose of creation.

    "Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed" Qur'an 4:48

  11. Allah Allmighty can forgive any thing Allah Wills. BUT,one has to repent sincerely,and try never to the same sin again.

    however SHIRK,is the most horrendous crime.

    the different forms of shirk is as follows

    It would make sense thus to see and examine what is idolatry and look at various definitions of Idolatry given in the Quran.

    1. Calf, statues as an Idols (2:51, 21:51-53).

    2. Worshipping other gods (is worshipping the devil) (4:117).

    3. Jesus as idol (5:72).

    4. Jinns as idols (6:100).

    5. Children as idols (7:190).

    6. Humans as idols (7:194).

    7. "Intercessors" as Idols (10:18). From the Quran, it is obvious - there is no intercession by anyone on the Day of Judgment.

    8. Satan as idol (14:22).

    9. Property as idol (18:42).

    10. Prophets & messengers as idols (3:79).

    11. God's servants as idols (18:102).

    12. EGO as idol (25:43). Most humans, because of their ego cannot bring themselves to worship God, nor can they make their opinion subordinate to God's opinion spelled out in the Quran because of their ego.

    13. Following a source other than Quran is idolatry. The following verse makes it clear that the Quran is God's Testimony. Following any other source is defined as idolatry.

    [6:19] Say, "Whose testimony is the greatest?"

    Say, "GOD's. He is the witness between me and you that this Quran has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches. Indeed, you bear witness that there are other gods beside GOD." Say, "I do not testify as you do; there is only one god, and I disown your idolatry."

  12. Yes associating partners is one of the biggest crimes Allah will never forgive. May Allah forgive us for everything~Ameen!

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