
What are the things that are the biggest annoyance about your culture?

by Guest58366  |  earlier

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The basic idiosyncrasies that you notice around the area where you are from.




  1. If I will start to talk , i will never stop,

    There are alot of things I don't like about my culture, but also there are things i love about my culture,

    Here is some points I don't like:

    - Selfishness in Work and life (No Team work)

    - Judging the people with their look,

    - Lacking of Dreams and goals, (just living to eat and stay alive to another day).

    I can say more if you want,

  2. Im a south african. I hate the way they talk kak most of the time. They litter, they have kak brains, and they think a miracle will juz fall from the sky and save them

  3. From the United States: Annoyed by the ignorance and arrogance................

  4. I'm an American in Europe, and I hate the way they drive/park's like, 'why do they think they don't have to follow the rules' while the rest of have to.  It's kinda an 'every man for himself' attitude.  In American on the other hand, I hate the distractedness when know...cell phone,'s dangerous driving if you're distracted.

  5. I hate how Americans are so stuck on race. It's sick to me....get over it...people are people and yes there is a black/white man running to be president. Surprise!!!

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