
What are the things that people hate about the Clintons?

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i was only a kid in the ninties but life seemed pretty good back then, but i know there are two sides to everything. what was wrong with the clintons?




  1. Lots of so-called "conservatives" are pissed off at Bill for being completely unashamed of all of the strange he got when he was president - this is probably just due to jealousy.  And people don't like Hillary because she comes off as a self-involved, cold, conniving, thick-ankled  shrew.

  2. Phonies

  3. They liked Gordon Brown - and Tony Blair -  

  4. They rode the tide with a good economy and now they think they're God's gift to the political arena. Puleeeze...

  5. nothing. they are cool. I like Bill Clinton a lot. He is such a stud.

  6. They were liars and hypocrits.

  7. Life was pretty good back then.  The Clintons kept us out of war during several close calls, abortion rates were much lower because people could afford to have their children, and most people were much better off financially.

  8. Some "hate" others to prosper with them.  

  9. Everything, with the exception of their efforts to derail the Obama express.

  10. Full of hot air.  

  11. Republicans hate them because our country flourished when they were in power so it made the GOP look foolish.  They hate them even more now because of the past 8 years with a Republican douche at the helm and how we've gone off the deep end....

  12. Republicans don't like the Clintons because they cleaned up for two terms by defeating the Repubs.  Bill left office without a deficit.

    Of course, Dems don't like Bush because he won one term and the Supreme Court gave him a second.  And he will be leaving office with a record deficit.

    It's all who you talk to.  Millions of Americans like the Clintons.  The rest is just negative propaganda.

  13. Republicans hate that the Clintons defeated them twice!  And, that the Clintons have thumbed their noses at the Right ever since.

  14. First they were hippies.

    Then they were lovers.

    Then they got married, but weren't true to each other with extra-maritial affairs (Gennifer Flowers)

    Their lives became shady with numerous wrong-

    doings (Whitewater, CastleGrande, and Travelgate shenanigans) and even strange deaths of people they were around. (Vince Foster and Ron

    Brown). While in the White House, they dishonored it with hippies running all over the place and Bill having s*x with an Intern. Bill

    lied to  the Grand Jury (a big no-no).

    They became very power-hungry....and Hillary

    decided she wanted to be the most powerful

    person in the US and ran for president. some-

    how, a guy by the name of Obama took that

    possibility away from her.

  15. I'm a reformed Clinton hater I only dislike them now a day's.

  16. Republicans hate that they produced a healthy economy.that hillary worked for women's rights,children's rights,welfare reform,and tried to provide healthcare  to all.

  17. I like Bill

    I hate Hillary because she is evil, eats babies, and makes me want to cry when I look at her ugly face

  18. I hate them for the same reason I hate neo-cons: they want government to run your life. Oh, by the way, Clinton used the military plenty of times. American bombs were dropped in the Sudan, Kosovo and many other places.

    And also, about the economy, you can thank a republican congress. But the again, IDIOTIC LIBERALS think the president is a king and can decree anything he wants. WRONG. Oh, and we have a DEMOCRAT congress now and we're still in 2 wars.

    Wake the fuuk up people. BOTH sides are bad.

  19. I have learned a lot about political hatred these past 8 years. So let me say that I did not hate the Clintons. I will say I found much of their politics and personalities not my preference. Such as naked ambition, the wanting to be President since he was a boy.  I much prefer someone called into greatness like d**k Cheney. I was offended by the too-cute non-answers to his grand jury questions. Also I had a cringing reaction to much of the personal physical attributes like the lip biting.  I suppose this is similar to today's distaste on the left for President George W. Bush's mannerisms.  But, again, I hope I don't fall into the same deep morass of name-calling, vein-bulging, spittle-dripping hatred that's on display by my friends on the left.

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