
What are the things that prove that Qadianis are kafirs?

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we know that they are not muslims. But, why exactly are they being called kafirs by some people over here?....please help me out here!





  1. Ahmadi Muslims recite "There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger."

    According to the Prophet (sa), that makes someone a Muslim.

    Instead, some have taken the liberty to say that they can read anothers heart and thus declare them kafir.

    Others behave as those who bash Islam by picking and choosing quotes from the writings of Hazrat Ahmad (as) and forget about context. does this with the Qur'an and Hadeeth, and some who call Ahmadi Muslims kafirs do the same with the writings of Hazrat Ahmad (as).  So what is the difference here then between those who hate without doing their own research or reading?  Allah have mercy.

    In the end, we will continue on the path taugh to us by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sa), that of patience, prayer, and peace.

    And everything NotAfraid wrote is a lie, sadly.  Allah bless him.

    love for all, hatred for none

  2. You cannot prove someone who claims to submit to the will of Allah a kafir. That is only Allah who knows.

    It is evident that some of their beliefs are conflicting with Shia-Sunni attitudes, however faith and belief in Allah is in the heart. You can't 'prove' they are kafir.

    However what you can do, is prove what they belief is wrong.

    EDIT: Sis Heba, our Prophet foretold that Islam would break into sects. We know this and we know this is how Islam is destined to be, we don't like it, but we know it. Each sects claim their sect to be the pious one, but Allah knows. It's our intention that counts first each time. Inshallah, we can find our common ground which is belief in Allah. When the belief in Allah is not part of a sect, thats when you call them Kuffar.

  3. finality of prophet Mohammad (SAW) is the v important belief of religion ISLAM,

    Qadayanis have their own prophet.

    isn't it enough to declare some one kafir .All muslim ullma declaredthem kafir.


    Its not the matter of knowing some one's heart .

    QAdyanis Kufr is in written form

    we have quoted your Kufr so many times.

    I told you so many times that i studied your books and had discussion with your scolars ,

    Your scholars r just like you .

    Spinning and ,misinterpretations is the only game they play

    so do not compare us with them who quote quran out of context.

  4. I understand that a Shia'a like you can not understand such things! since everything is allowed in your so-called religion!

    They have a new prophet kid! what is worse than that!

  5. Mirza Qadiani says:

    "'Muhammadur Rasoolullah wal lazeena m'ahoo, ashiddao 'ala alkuffare rohamao bainahum' in this revelation God has named me Mohammed and Messenger as well."

    (Roohani Khazain vol. 18 p.207)

    Mirza Qadiani said: "Holy Prophet has two advents or in other words you can say that in one Buroozi way coming again of Holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him) was promised which has been fulfilled by the appearance of Promised Messiah and Promised Mahdi."

    (Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.249)

    "I have said several times that according to the verse (of Holy Quran) 'wa akhareena minhum lamma yalhaqoo behim' as Burooz I am the same Prophet, the Khatamul Anbiyyah, and 20 years ago God named me Mohammed and Ahmad in Braheen-e-Qadianism and declared me His Being."

    (Aik ghalti ka azala, Roohani Khazain vol. 18 p.212)

    "The entity of the promised Masih (Mirza), in the sight of Allah is the entity of the Holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him). In other words, in the records of Allah there is no duality or difference between the promised Masih and the holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him). Rather they both share the same eminence, the same rank, the same status and the same name. Although verbally they are two, yet in reality they are one and the same". (Al-Fazl, Qadian, vol.3, No.37, dated 16th September 1915, as cited in Qadiani Mazhab page 207, 9th edition, Lahore)

    here you go

    This is what Mirza saab had to say about non-Ahmadi Muslims...

    "Except for the CHILDREN OF PROSTITUTE, whose hearts have been sealed by God, everyone else believes in me and has accepted me."

    (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547)

    "God has revealed to me that anyone to whom my message has reached and he has not accepted me , he is not a muslim."

    (Letter of Mirza to Dr. Abdul Hakeem Khan Patialvi)

    "I have God's inspiration that he who does not follow you and will not enter your Ba'ith and remain your opponent, he is disobedient of God and His Prophet, Hellish."

    (Advertisement in M'ayaar-ul-Akhyar by Mirza Ghulam p.8)

    "Thus remember as God has informed me, it is forbidden and absolutely forbidden to pray behind any disbeliever and hesitant; but is should be that your imam should be one of you." (Arbaeen No 3, Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.417 footnote)

    "It is our obligation that we do not consider non-ahmadis as muslims and do not pray behind them, because for us they have rejected one prophet (Mirza Ghulam) of God. This is a religious matter and no one has any right to do anything in it."

    (Anwar-e-Khilafat, by Mirza Mahmood, Khalifa 2, p.90)

    Do you still call them muslims?

    sorry i am going to work, but i can show you their belief!!

  6. The Qadianis believe that Allaah fasts, prays, sleeps, wakes up, writes, makes mistakes and has intercourse – exalted be Allaah far above all that they say.

    The Qadiani believes that his god is English because he speaks to him in English.

    The Qadianis believe that Prophethood did not end with Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but that it is ongoing, and that Allaah sends a messenger when there is a need, and that Ghulam Ahmad is the best of all the Prophets.

    They believe that Jibreel used to come down to Ghulam Ahmad and that he used to bring revelation to him, and that his inspirations are like the Qur’aan.

    They say that there is no Qur’aan other than what the “Promised Messiah” (Ghulam Ahmad) brought, and no hadeeth except what is in accordance with his teachings, and no Prophet except under the leadership of Ghulam Ahmad.

    They believe that their book was revealed. Its name is al-Kitaab al-Mubeen and it is different from the Holy Qur’aan.

    They believe that they are followers of a new and independent religion and an independent Sharee’ah, and that the friends of Ghulam are like the Sahaabah.

    They believe that Qadian is like Madeenah and Makkah, if not better than them, and that its land is sacred. It is their Qiblah and the place they make hajj to.

    They called for the abolition of jihaad and blind obedience to the British government because, as they claimed, the British were “those in authority” as stated in the Qur’aan.

    In their view every Muslim is a Kaafir unless he becomes a Qadiani, and everyone who married a non-Qadiani is also a kaafir.



    i lied?

    I dont lie honey

    It was a copy paste from the most popular Sunni website

    U can take a loook also

  7. Salam for you my dear friend.Yes qadianis(ahmadiyah) are kafir.They call themselves as muslim but infact they are non muslims because:

    1)they believe that Muhammad pbuh is not the last prophet and messenger of Allah as stated in the Qur'an,but they believe that Gulam Mirza Ahmad is their prophet too.

    2)they changed the contents of syahadat by replacing the name Muhammad with Gulam Ahmad

    3)they changed also part of the Qur'an and they made their own hadits as explanation of Gulam Ahmad

    4)they do not pray at least 5 times a day,but only 3 times shubuh,zuh

    ur and isya only

    5)they made a separate mosques which should be attended only by their own group of followers with imams of their own leaders

    In line with islamic teaching,we call the another religion followers out of Islam as kafirs including the people of the book now (not in the era of their related prophets).

    Ahmadiyah is not allowed in Indonesia and Pakistan.

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