
What are the things that you and ur husband/wife enjoy doing together ?

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ALONE (no one else involved) and that is not love making :p

something that is like a ritual or a hobby that u like to do together frequently (daily,weekly,monthly,yearly)




  1. We love to go and try out new restaurants, stay in and watch movie and TV marathons, hitting the gym, going to Comic-Con together, going out to the movies and taking walks on the beach with our dog,  

  2. watch funny videos on Youtube

  3. I was going to say doing it, but you said no.

    Sooooo  golf?

  4. anything and everything, we're majorly compatible and shares heaps of interests, so we really enjoy doing things togheter both alone and with others togheter

  5. Every evening, we spend at least a little time on the porch smoking and talking.  

    Every week, at least one or two shows come on TV that we really enjoy watching together.

    About every month, we go out to eat at a restaurant we like and then go to a movie that we both want to see.

    Every year, we try to find a fun Halloween party to get dressed up in costumes and go to together.

  6. we watch some tv shows together like we like ghost hunters we watch it every week and we also like to go to the movies alone. and once a year we go to the texas ren fest it is a tradition

  7. popcorn and tv

  8. Every weekend we go on a motorcycle ride together.  We also both love to cook so going to the grocery store and cooking together is a weekly/daily ritual that we both enjoy.  3 times a week we go to the gym together.  In the winter we will go snowboarding together at least once a month just us two.  But my favorite is football season, it's our day together to watch all the games and be naked if no one else is around, that's the rule.  We call it Naked Sunday Season.   :)  And the new weekly thing is "band practice" for Rock Band and other Wii games we play against each other.  My guy and I have to practice for our battle of the bands coming up with other couples we know.

  9. We watch movies together every week, go to the beach together, do weekly grocery shopping together, go on 3-4 trips a year together, go on hikes and walks together, cook dinner together every night, do exericse and yoga together, take a shower together everyday, give each other massages about every other day...we just do everything together!

  10. We like to sit out on the back deck and have a glass or two of wine in the evening.

    We also like to go to the beach in the winter - get a ocean front room - and walk on the beach - order room service - just be together.

  11. Well we are dorks so these are all the things we do together:

    -collect coins

    -collect comics

    -watch tv




    -RC car racing

    -walks on beach

    -hang out with dogs



    -build random things together

    -play on the internet

  12. On the rare occasions where we have time to ourselves and no pressing responsibilites, we like to have a tv/movie marathon.  Usually we'll go pick up a series (like Soprano's or Six Feet Under) and watch them back to back - cuddled up on the couch, eating snack food.

  13. We play hot shots golf on the PS2, or we will play board games (monopoly, trivial pursuit, etc.)  probably once a month or every two months with the board games, and about every other week for the PS2.

  14. hanging at the pool

    watching movies

    going out to eat

  15. My husband and I love to go cycling. We go together at least twice a week. My husband has been cycling for over 20 years, I just got into it about 4 years ago. We usually go about 20-25 miles from our home. It is fun, especially since we do it together, but we are exercising as well.

    We also run errands together to save on gas.  

  16. Usually after our 3 boys go to bed we play Guitar Hero on PS2 which has become very addicting game to play.  We also have a open game of Rume to play.  We love playing cards, although he taught me how to play Rume, I'm the one who usually wins.  Sometimes he will give me a full body rub down which then turns into s*x...but nevermind that.  A few times a year we will go to a condo by ourself for the weekend and stay there and enjoy the private hot tub, fireplace, and drinks, and we also play cards there too.  Other than that we just usually do family stuff with our 3 boys like camping, floating, swimming, riding bikes, jumping on trampoline, hiking, exploring caves (all of which can also be done without the kids it's just we like to spend time with ours) :-)  

  17. Nothing, I work and play golf, she spends money.  

  18. Playing pool, reading in bed (separate books of course), playing the odd game of cards, watching movies, yearly we watch the Leonids meteor shower together.  

  19. We watch certain TV shows together, we cook together and in the winter we love to go snowmobiling together whenever the weather permits.

    We live in a small town so if we want to do some real shopping we have to drive over an hour and somehow we can spend a whole day shopping and doing little things along the way.  This happens about 1-2 times a month.

  20. Play golf together, go to bars, go to movies, go out to eat, go play laser tag, and we go on weekend trips to difference places because of his work and when we do we go shopping.  He is 31 and I am 26.

  21. We like to watch the grass grow.

  22. We like to get dressed in our pajamas and watch television in color while eating microwave TV dinners.

  23. We do a lot together.....We cook dinner together usually every night.  We sit on the patio and have a couple beers or we may fire up the old record player and listen to records and dance in the living room.  We go for bike rides, we go shopping.  At least once a month we go out to a nice dinner.  Very rarely we may cuddle up and watch a tv show or pop in a movie.  Lets see, we also may go out to the bar and grab a couple of drinks here and there, but usually just stay home if we do drink.  Just about everything we do together, which is nice. We care about each other and both are the type that love to show affection and "take care" of the other, not allowing them to lift a finger if we can help it.  

  24. We love riding his bike on a beautiful day...

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