
What are the things u hate when people drive???

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What are the things u hate when people drive???




  1. FEMALE drivers are on of the stupidist drviers there is even though im a female a lot of them really dont have a d**n clue what there donig???

  2. Overspeeding

  3. drunk people, people on cell phones, & slow people.

  4. not using turning signals, and weaving in the road at 8 am,like there drunk.

  5. when the person in front of you is goign so slow you can actually pass them still going under the speed limit.

  6. eating and cell phones. and when they're talking to someone in the back seat.

  7. When someone comes screaming up in the left lane, trying desperately to get past me - then drops into the right lane in front of me and slows down!

    Just what was the point of that?

  8. i hate the speeders who go in and out of traffic, who put everyone at risk.  i hate drunk/high drivers.  and i hate people who think talking on the phone is not a distraction to their already poor driving skills.

  9. As a cyclist - all of the above of course - but also the complete disdain and disregard for... well cyclists.

    Most drivers forget:  Using the road is a priveledge.  It's why there is a licensing system.  I don't need a license to walk, run, cycle, ride a horse, etc. in the roadway.  Why?  Because looooong ago this country decided that the roadway was for all of us... using a motorized vehicle is a priveledge granted - not a right.

    It's a totally different perspective - and not something folks remember or really take the time to comprehend, but the law is still there - we've just lost our way.

    Now freeways are another animal altogether - those are for motorists exclusively... but I don't ride there, so please be nice to me when you use MY roads.  I'm willing to share  - I ride the right hand side as best I can and try and avoid all your trash and glass - it's tough.  I breathe your fumes.

    You yell at me, spit and endanger me daily, but I just keep smiling hoping one day you will join me.

  10. when im driving downtown and an old lady (walkin) gets in my way crossing the street like she owns the road and dont care, and i have to slam on my brakes just to let her cross.

  11. Talking on a cell phone and being in the inside lane going at or below the speed limit.

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