
What are the three best steps to getting rid of Acne?

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What are the three best steps to getting rid of Acne?




  1. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  2. Cucumber, lemon or watermelon juice treatment done regularly helps to cure acne and lighten the scars caused by it. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne

  3. Why 3?

    What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into acne. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly acne.

    Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:

    Hope this helps :)

  4. 1.  Keep your face very clean.  Use fewer products.   Mild antibacterial soap and water are all you need.

    2.  Drink plenty of water.  There is a lot of research to show that it really does help clear up acne.

    3.  Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.    

  5. i had acne and REALLY i tried everything but nothing worked >_<

    then i had Roaccutane pills and here i am clear as clear can be ;D

    but have to warn u it has lots of serious side affects

    u should know b4 getting it

  6. the oxy persons not use any oil free things...many oils on ur skin are nutritious to it and oil free cleanser get rid of it. If your face is oily, simply wash it with soap.

  7. For me it is:

    1. Using a face wash with a castile soap base. With added oils of burdock, red clover,tea tree...etc..

    2. Using a toner with tea tree,apple cider vingear, willow bark,witch hazel, and lemon hydorsol

    3. Using a facial oil with Calendula oil, organic Rosehip seed oil, Vitamin E, tea tree

    *once a week using a facial scrub with organic sugar, honey, neem oil, etc..

    and a French Green clay mask with organic oils

  8. 1) The Sun (being out in the sun for a few hours and not overdoing it dries up your acne!  It's true!)

    2) Oxy white cream (use every morning.  You can try to use it again at night but it is so strong that you might start to peel the slightest bit if you have sensitive skin.  But this is a good peeling, as in clearing up the acne!)

    3) Oxy face wipes (use twice a day.  This way, you won't have to use a towel and add soap and water.  It's a moist acne pad!  Just take it out of the box!)

    THESE REALLY HELP!  Not to sound like a television ad, but I really do have some acne.. However, my face is so clear using these!  I love them!

    Get them at Rite Aid or at your local drug store :)

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