
What are the three biggest differences between political conservatives and political liberals in the U.S.A.?

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What are the three biggest differences between political conservatives and political liberals in the U.S.A.?




  1. The amount of family money they have, whether they are accustomed to living off the system, and whether or not they are willing and enjoy working for what they have.

  2. Conservatives believe that government shouldn't control what people do

    have lower taxes

    actually do something when some one attacks the country

    Liberals believe that government knows best

    have high taxes

    try to make treaties with terriost or Communists

  3. To me the biggest difference and the most important is the mis-labeling of both groups. Those who are called liberals are nothing of the sort. They are Statists. People who believe in the ever-encroaching influence of the State to solve problems. That flows from a believe that government is the only one who can solve these problems because the people, individually and collectively, are incapable of doing so.

    And the conservatives are not that. Most of them who jumped onto the Republican Party's band wagon in the past three decades come from two groups. The first is the Christian Falange. They hold views quite similar to the Falangists who put Salazar into power in Portugal and Franco in Spain, along with an almost endless line of tin-pot dictators in Ibero-America all the way down the South American continent to the tip of Argentina. The others are the Dixiecrats who once formed to rank and file of the Democratic Party in the former Confederated States. The chief thing they want to conserve is the good old days of Jim Crow.  

  4. conservates are not for socializing society and business, and not for redistributing hard earned wages.

  5. 1. Political conservatives believe in the status quo.

    2. The old Puritan ethics.  Work hard, live a moral life and serve your community are the basic beliefs

    3. Service to god and a rigid moral code as an obligation .

    1. Liberals believe in personal freedom and individual rights.

    2. Education, enlightenment exploration and creativity

    3. Equality of everyone which is another version of the Puritan anyone can overcome anything if they work hard. However that leaves intellectualism out in the cold on both sides.  So we really have a problem with education and fostering love of learning for the sake of learning.

    To joke about this a bit.  Puritans believed that working hard brought financial reward here on earth.   At the same time Harvard has no religious school since each man was to read the Bible and interpret his relationship with God.  

    So In God We Trust is  on our Money and keep God out of this in our Classrooms. This is the eternal battle between individual rights and Duty to God and Country

    The current problem is that science is at odds with the simplistic view of work hard, do you duty to Country and god will reward you with wealth. And attempts to put the Genie back in the bottle will not work.

  6. 1. Political conservatives can see through Obama's rhetoric and lies and aren't hypotized by him as liberals seem to be.

    2. Political conservatives do not see the government as the answer to all of society's problems, and feel that less government, not more is usually the better solution.

    3. Political conservatives generally feel that democracy only works when people have some sort of foundation of moral/spiritual/ethical standards and boundaries.  Majority rule by a bunch of amoral perverts = anarchy.

  7. no much,

    it is like one head with two faces,

    a bipartisan system, a duopoly  

  8. By definition the conservative is basically unwilling to change. Which is fine, except that the definition of conservatism does not include a detail on those institutions and traditions that they refuse to change. Thus we find a desire to "protect". This is where conservatives assume a right or duty to protect others, which means limiting your personal freedom if it might harm someone else or even oneself. They want everyone to conform to a set of morals, by force if needed. This is why the more religious often find a home in conservatism.

    Liberals believe in charity. They however have come to believe that we all must be generous. This is where the socialism has entered. They want us all to be forced to be generous through higher taxes and redistribution of wealth because we lack our own sense of "goodness" to be generous. They have wealth envy and hatred of success. The anti-corporatism this builds is a home to environmentalism and such.

  9. One of the three biggest differences is that conservatives have compassion and liberals don't.  Conservatives have an enormous amount of compassion for unborn babies who are slaughtered in a procedure known as abortion (whom many liberals even claim aren't human beings at all), victims of crime who are re victimized by the weakness of the criminal justice system, police officers and law-abiding civilians who aren't always allowed to own & possess the same firearms that criminals can inevitably obtain, overtaxed middle-class citizens, people who are passed up for scholarships & jobs for being white in the name of "affirmative action", people who are being called upon to pay reparations for slave-holding that happened six generations earlier and Jewish settlers in Judea & Samaria who are constatntly being threatened by Arabic & Islamic aggreation.

    Another of the differences is that liberals have a false pretense of being in favor of small government.  Deep down inside, almost everybody realizes, understands and acknowledges that the government has both a right and a responsibility to take some decisions (such as the decision of whether or not to rob a bank) OUT of the hands of the individual, to impose some morality on the individual (i.e. prohibiting arson & vandalism), to tell the individual what to do with his body (especially when his choice would be to commit a safe & legal rape) and to make some restrictions on what the individual is allowed to do in the privacy of his own bedroom (including a ban on molesting children).  However, liberals conviently overlook these things and argue precisely that the government has no business doing such things when the topic happens to be abortion, prostitution, pornography or drug abuse.  Conservatives are open and honest about acknowledging the government'l legitimate large role in people's lives.

    Yet another of the differences in that liberals inappropriately impose their religious beliefs and values on other people through the government, while conservatives respect the establish clause within the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.    This is why, after all of their various arguments have been exposed as either untrue or irrelevent, liberals resort to saying that we must not have the death penality because God is against it.  To support this, the cite such Biblical passages as, "Thou shalt not kill." (mistranslated from the original Hebrew), " 'Vengeance is mine.', sayeth the Lord.", "Turn the other cheek." and "Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone."  What they refuse to admit is that not everybody believes in God and even among does who DO not all believe in a god who opposes the death penalty.  That is why conservatives are in touch with reality and liberals are not.

  10. Number 1: Taxes.

    Number 2: Personal Responsibility (although George Bush has ignored us)

    Those 2 drive my vote, and the fact that Liberals tend to stereotype people who believe in lower taxes and more personal responsibility. To them, we all have guns and bibles and hate black people. They are ridiculous with their behavior. Most people are very moderate.

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