
What are the three types of telescopes scientists use to study the solar system and space?

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What are the three types of telescopes scientists use to study the solar system and space?




  1. Besides those already mentioned, I'd say that neutrino detectors are also a kind of telescope.

  2. This is the second time I have seen this question in the last  12 hrs. Check out the previous answers, the class you are in is obviously not learnubg any thing.

  3. There are two basic types of optical telescope, refracting and reflecting. The first uses lenses to focus light, and the second uses a curved mirror. Then there are radio telescopes, which use a metallic dish to focus radio waves, rather than light. Those are the big three, but there are also gamma ray, x-ray, and other types of telescope.

  4. There's a lot more than three types.  Gamma ray telescopes, x-ray telescopes, ultraviolet, optical, infrared, radio, microwave - which makes me think this is a homework problem.  Your teacher probably gave you a specific three types, or your chapter did.  Read that to figure out what they want.

  5. theres loads of types of telescopes.....probably its a refracting telescope,reflecting,or catadioptric...or optical,radio,x ray and gamma ray telescope.....i really dont know..theres many types.....

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