
What are the thumbs up things at the bottom of the page?

by Guest33869  |  earlier

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the thumbs up (or down) things in the bottom, i know they are for rating the answer and you get 1 point everytime some1 gives you a thumbs up but how do i rate ppl n stuff? im confused : S




  1. Get 250 pts. and you'll be on level 2. Then you can "rate" answers with "thumbs up" and "thumbs down." Just click on the “thumbs up” icon to give someone a “thumbs up” and show you approve of or like their answer; same but reverse meaning  with “thumbs down,” click on the icon to show you disapprove or don’t like the answer.. It doesn’t cost you any points to “rate” an answer but, once you do rate, you’re stuck with that rating. You can’t later change your mind and decide they don’t deserve the “thumbs up” or have regrets about giving a “thumbs down.” They’re forever.

    Stars are ways to show approval for questions. You click on the star icon to give a star, click on the same place to remove your star after you give it. No points involved..

    Answer a question and get 2 pts. Ask a question and lose 5 pts. Choose the "best answer" to your question and get 3 of those 5 pts. back.  Be chosen as "best answer" and get 10 pts. plus 1 bonus pt. for each "thumbs up" your answer received. There’s no deduction for “thumbs down.”

    Anyone, even people on level 1, can "vote" but it's not the same as "rating" with thumbs up/down.

    Vote for "best answer" on unresolved questions “in voting” and you get 1 pt. per question.  You can vote by clicking on the “answer” toolbar at the top of the page then click on the “vote” tab or, when you see the list of questions available in a particular category, there’s a “vote” tab at the top of the questions. Either way, if you vote then you earn a point per question and help pick the “best answer.”

    You also get 1 pt. every day for just logging in. It’s as easy as that!

    Good luck, you'll be on level 2 in no time and then aim for level 3 (1,000 to 2,499 pts.)

  2. Hi.

    People at Level 1 is unable to give thumb up and  down.   This is to encourage people to work towards another advanced Level.   The higher the Level, the better your privilege will be.

    Conversely, you need to advance to Level 2 in order to give thumb up and down.  Furthermore, you need 250 points to make it to Level 2.  You can perform the following steps to determine how many points you need in order to advance to the next Level.

    People only get points from thumb up if their answer is  chosen as best answer. If not, then they will not get the points... Thumb down does not cause points.

    I hope I was able to answer your question.

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