
What are the tobacco industry planning for the future?

by  |  earlier

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Companies like Imperial Tobacco must feel a bit daft having to put big scary messages on their products to put people off buying them.

Are they moving there business toward other sectors now like maybe alcohol products?




  1. No, they moved into the third world years ago - selling smokes to kids in Africa and Asia. b******s.

  2. I don't think they are there was nothing on the business news last week about that. If you know something we don't then give a reference so we can check it.


  3. What do you mean they are NOW moving into areas such as Africa and Asia,they have been there for years and years

  4. Most tobacco company's have diversified into other products as well as pushing there poison on the third World

  5. They are now moving their attentions to lesser developed countries-in Africa primarily.Its such an immoral and cynical move-many countries do not have the health services to support smoking related illnesses.In Ethiopia for example hardly anyone smokes so they are ripe for victimisation by the mega rich tobacco companies.

    they are intensifying their efforts there-I know they are there already but they are upping the ante due to falling sales in europe and are involved in widespread campaigns to target young people/children

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