
What are the top 1-15 things you would do before you die?

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what are some things you would like to do in your lifetime?

anything goes...




  1. 1. Go to SAB

    2. Go to NYCB

    3. Go to ABT

    4. See Suzanne Farrell

    5. See Loyce Houltons Nutcracker Fantasy, cuz its awesome!

    6. See MidNight Summers Dream

    7. Dance in MidNight Summers Dream

    8. See Don Quixote

    9. Dance the Coulante Fairy in Sleeping Beauty

    10. Dance just as beautifally as Gloria Govrin

    11. See Apollo

    12. See La Baydere

    13. See Coppelia

    14. See Swan Lake

    15. See Giselle

  2. 1. Get through high school

    2. Graduate from a good college

    3. Travel to all 50 states

    4. Sky dive/bungee jump =)

    5. Start a family

    6. Get a dream job

    7. Find that one best friend who I could trust my life with

    8. Go on the biggest/longest water ride

    9. Fall in love

    10. Learn how to play in instrument

    11. Learn 5 different languages fluently

    12. Meet someone famous

    13. Discover something scientific

    14. Go on a cruise

    15. Be happy

  3. Hmm thats a good question. Let me think here 15 things to do before I die in no particular order.

    1). Go back to college to become a nurse. (I'm gonna be turning 30 in september)

    2). Meet Mr. Right

    3). Get married

    4). Starting a little family

    5). Have a great Job with good benefits and retirement plan

    6). Travel to Hawaii, Ireland or Germany

    7). Make a mends with 1 person I did wrong to.

    8). try to be a better person than I have been lately

    9). Start going to Church

    10). Apologize to everyone that I have hurt in some way or another.

    11). Have a nice house to grow old in

    12). See more of my relatives more often than I have been.

    13). Lose more weight

    14). quit lettting ppl walk all over me and start sticking up for myself.

    15). Try to quit smoking.

  4. 1. Get married

    2. Raise a family

    3. Change someone's life for the better

    4. See the Aurora

    5. Visit Venice

    6. Become a better person than I am now

    7. Race a car

    8.  Graduate college with a PhD in pharmaceuticals

    9.  Forgive the person who hurt me most in my life

    10.  Become close with my sister

    11.  Rescue a stray

    12.  Visit Australia

    13.  Swim in the Great Barrier Reef

    14.  Become stronger in my religion, and accept death

    15.  Summit Everest, or fall fighting

  5. 1. Create a passionate speech that explains everything stuck in my head that cant get out

    2. Finish a best selling book

    3. Become friends with everyone I meet

    4. Fix the pollution problem

    5. Reason with people that have firm beliefs on something to make them understand

    6.Help someone in need

    7. Help everyone understand that dieing isn't goodbye. its merely an intermission, or a break, if you will until you are reunited again

    8. Stop the crimes

    9. Find a true love

    10. Find a very close friend that understands me

    11. Become a famous actress

    12. Become a worldwide singer

    13. Go to college

    14. Maintain a good reputation

    15. Love and be loved

  6. 1. go to tokyo and the places around it (well basically china and japan! ahaha)

    2. meet one of my fav. celebs

    3. scuba dive

    4. be on a big t.v show

    5. be on wheel of fortune!(hahaha)

    6. go to the pyramids

    7. ride a donkey on the paths of greece

    8. go to austraia

    9. help a lot of people

    10. write a magazine article

    11. write a book

    12. discover some sort of cure

    13. attach myself to a car with a rope, where skates and go flying like 80 m.p.h

    14. bungee jump from a tall nyc buiding(safely)

    15. fall in love

  7. - Travel around the world

    - Forgive those who hurt me

    - Spend time with family a lot more

    - Spoil myself and the love ones

    - Volunteer or do good deeds for those who needs help more

    - Enjoy more luxury things

  8. .have a child!

    .Get married

    .graduate from collage!!

    .have a good job!

  9. Everything that is humanly possible...and maybe a few of the impossible things as well lol

  10. 1. Never go to jail

    2. Learn to play 5 songs really well on the guitar

    3. have at least 15 minutes of fame

    4. Write a Novel

    5. Get Married

    6. Adopt at least one child

    7. Be able to call myself BEAUTIFUL and mean it

    8. Go to college

    9. Finish one season of marching band

    10. solve a 4x4 and 5x5 rubiks cube

    11. Have a date for my senior prom

    12. Learn to drive a car

    13. Meet a celebrity

    14. attend a talk show (i.e. oprah, regis and kelly, etc.)

    15. Go skydiving

  11. Hmm...

    In no order

    1. Work to improve human rights worldwide.

    2. Work to reduce social problems worldwide too.

    3. Travel to other countries- China, England, France, Spain.

    4. Get married and have a secure and overall happy marriage (of course it won't all be happy every couple has its fights, but I want an overall good one).

    5. Grow in my relationship with God (I'm not trying to force any religion on you but its just one of my goals ^__^)

    6. Maybe write some songs I don't know.  They don't have to come big..hmm scratch this..

    Edited 6 (Lol)- Write a book. (Not sure what kind yet but hey its a goal).

    7. See the Olympic Games...and the World Cup.

    8. Just to grow as a person throughout life...and hope to gain much knowledge as I have a very big thirst for knowledge.

  12. 1: Visit Poland

    2: Learn to sign in ASL

    3: Play Softball in the olympics

    4: Go on a cruise

    5: Be able to run a mile in less than 10 minutes

    6: Write a book

    7:  Live in spain (short term)

    8:  Learn to cook

    9: Build/Design my own home

    10: Meet Savion Glover (snaps for you if you know who he is!)

    11: Learn to ski

    12: Sky dive

    13: Scuba dive

    14: Visit Austrailia

    15: Go to a MLB all star game

  13. Graduate from college

    Get Gastric Bypass

    Try gymnastics

    get married

    meet Kristen and Ashley Pettet

    Meet Dominique Moceanu

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