
What are the top 10 highest paid jobs projected for the next ten years?

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I have the choices of :

1)starting a business(cable contractor) or Relaxation Clinic

2)starting college at 25 for a degree in something fun, exciting, changing environment ...maybe some sort of writer or scientist ... not sure where I should aim...I want to be smart with my money and with my debt accumulation. I also want to work with good people who apprieciate me. Maybe working with Physically handicapped people and I'd like to work half indoors and half outdoors... that would be good for me hmmm maybe politics who knows. Working with Old people might be cool too as long as I'm not cleanning their house or wipping their butt. Working with my hands is nice.

3) I enjoy a job that allows me to travel and make decent money without too much pressure but I need a schedule and an assistant to keep me motivated and handle all the little things I don't want to do.

4) Some kind of spiritual advisor could be fun but that tends to be a solitary trip through life for me.

5) any thoughts?




  1. garbage man(woman)...most definately

  2. Alright here is what I think about your options.

    1. With this option you would get a lot of the things you talked about in 2,3.  I don't know what exactly what kind of cable you are working with so I can't give specific advise there.  However in starting a relaxation clinic you need to be set up in a larger city, with a large upper middle class.  You can expect huge start up costs in opening the clinic.

    In 3. you said that your not really self motived, so thats bad for this option.

    Also in 3 you said you want an assistant.  As a business owner you can expect to be doing every job, from janitor to stockboy to executive.

    2. I definetly suggest you go to college.  It opens up options in case your plans don't work out.

    the major you might be describing is kinesiology (spelling?)  You could become some kind of physical therapist or a trainer.

    3. isn't really a job occupation so I'll just skip it

    4. If you want to be a spiritual advisor you don't have to be single your whole life.  You could persue becoming a Minister, Priest, ect in a church (other than a Catholic one).  These people live very good lives.  Not an excess of pay, but easy stress free work.  

    Their job is basically to be a good person.

    I can't really recommend any other careers for you without more information about who exactly you are, and what you like.

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