
What are the top 10 riches country in order thanks?

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  1. According to the CIA the top ten, in order of GDP - per capita, are:

    Rank Country GDP - per capita

    1 Luxembourg $ 68,800

    2 Equatorial Guinea $ 50,200

    3 United Arab Emirates $ 49,700

    4 Norway $ 47,800

    5 Ireland $ 43,600

    6 United States $ 43,500

    7 Andorra $ 38,800

    8 Iceland $ 38,100

    9 Denmark $ 37,000

    10 Austria $ 35,500

  2. Ten Richest Countries (based on 2004 GNP per capita in US$)

       1. Luxembourg ... $56,380

       2. Norway ... $51,810

       3. Switzerland ... $49,600

       4. United States ... $41,440

       5. Denmark ... $40,750

       6. Iceland ... $37,920

       7. Japan ... $37,050

       8. Sweden ... $35,840

       9. Ireland ... $34,310

      10. United Kingdom ... $33,630

  3. Depends on what kind of "creative accounting" is being used and what you really care to measure.  Liechtenstein is one of the richest, but, it's basically just a small town.  You can drive through it in one minute.  Do you really want to count that?

    Also, if you include how much a country owes everybody else, then the U.S. isn't one of the richest countries.

    Some countries would be quite rich if there wasn't so much stealing and money going on on their blackmarket, through mafia-type groups, etc. either.

    There was a blog post about this over at Financial Jesus too recently.


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