
What are the top 10 things you would do if you went to rome, italy in the spring?

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What are 10 things you wouldn't miss if you went to rome, italy in the spring?




  1. not a top 10 list per se, but in the springtime, locals tend to hang out in the piazzas a lot, have gelato and/or espresso and just chat/peoplewatch.  the spanish steps are overrated (imo), but you might also want to check it out.  for nightlife, head over to the testaccio district.

  2. ...look at *#@)loads of art.

  3. Hi there. I'm a New Yorker living in Sicily (10 years now) and I just happen to go to Rome every year around the end of April.

    It's fantastic! Hard to believe it once was the capital of the world!

    Okay, here is my top 10 ten list I follow every time I go:

    1.) Day: Visit the Vatican (St. Peter's, Vatican Museums).

    2.) Evening: Walk in Piazza Navona

    3.) Evening: Hang out at the Fountain of Trevi

    4.) Day: Have a sandwich before going into the Pantheon

    5.) Day: Visit the marketplace at Campo dei Fiori

    6.) Evening: Have dinner at one of the many little trattorias in Trastevere (some of them have just 2 tables and they just prepare the dish of the day... no menu)

    7.) Day: Roman Forum

    8.) Evening: Stroll through Trastevere

    9.) Early morning hours (go for a nice long walk visiting all the major monuments: 2-3 hours)

    10.) Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps)


  4. eat pizza

    drink wine and espresso

    drink hot cioccolato and panna

    visit the colloseum

    visit st peter and paul

    porta portese market on sunday

    sea side Ostia lido nice small city part of Rome

    roman ruins in Ostia antica

    buy shoes and bags

    visit Piazza navona

    visit Fontana di trevi

    visit piazza di spagna

    trip to tivoli

    eur luna park

  5. here is the information about rome, italy

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