
What are the top 3 things you would never EVER do even for a million bucks?

by  |  earlier

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  1. There are thousands of things that I would never ever do even for a million bucks. Sorry can't select the top three because they all are on my top list.

  2. I would never:

    1)get married now

    2) Stop praying to God

    3) stop answering your questions on Yahoo! Answers


  3. This is kind of the opposite of rubbing the lamp for three wishes!

    1) Become a n**i.

    2) Support a dictator.

    3) Hurt my children on purpose.

  4. Die.

    Kill family/friend.

    Gamble on my life's savings.

  5. 1) Kiss a man.

    2) Kiss a transvestite.

    3) Kiss a man and a transvestite repeatedly, back to back.

  6. Murder someone

    Suck a d*ck

    Quit bangin' your mother (she's awesome).

  7. Go in publik nkd

    Go in a kage ov Lions

    Go in a tank ov Great Whites

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