
What are the top 5 career that earns the most with the least effort/time?

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What are the top 5 career that earns the most with the least effort/time?




  1. there aren't any. If you like what you do and you're good at it. You'll make money effortlessly.

    On the other hand if you're lazy (which you seem to be) doesn't matter which carrer path you take you will fail.

    sorry for the honesty but it's the truth.

  2. all careers that earn the most needs effort and time

  3. Dj the nightclub i worked in regular crappy djs earnt 200£ for 4 hours for standing at the bar with there 30 odd drink vouchers whilst having there playlist on go with the c**p they downloaded from limewire...while we did all the work for min wage ...yea!!!.......go luminar leisure

  4. There is no totally free ride...

  5. 1. Racketeering

    2. Identity Theft

    3. Smuggling

    4. Selling Illegal Narcotics

    5. Bank Robbery

    The morale of the story is...if its easy and it makes a lot of money...its probably illegal.

  6. 1. DJ if you can make it

    2. p**n Star

    3. Stripper

    4 and 5. Most illegal jobs

  7. Work for a very large corporation.  You can make ridiculous amounts of money and drown in a sea of anonymity while doing very little work.  Read this book for more details:  The Living Dead: Switched Off, Zoned Out-The Shocking Truth About Office Life by David Bolchover.

  8. Stripper or p**n star.

  9. whatever it is Britney Spears does

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