
What are the top 5 community colleges in the US? I know De Anza (in CA) is number 4.. I think..?

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  1. not sure about the top 5 that you mean... acedemic or size?

    The College of Dupage in dupage county illinois is the largest community college in the states.  it has about 25,000 students each semester.  Thats actually bigger than a lot of the 4 year colleges in illinois

  2. schoolcraft college (livonia, MI)

  3. De Anza isn't number 4...the list goes:

    1. Atlanta Technical College

    2. Cascadia CC

    3. Southern U at Shreveport

    4. Southwestern CC

    5. Hazard Technical and Community College

  4. Community Colleges? I didn't know they ranked them......

  5. There is really not a lot of difference between CA community colleges. DeAnza may simply look better than some because it's in a fairly affluent, very Asian area and more of it's student seek 4 year colleges than at most. A CC is a CC is a CC. This ain't Harvard vs. Yale.

  6. Why would anyone care about 13th and 14th grade?

    Go to a real school.

    Try Harvard, Princeton, Yale, U of Chicago, MIT, Stanford, UC Berckley, William and Mary, Boston U, Welsely, Cornell, AF A

    cademy, the Military Academy, the Naval Academy.  These are real schools.  who give c**p about De Anza?  I'd rather spend the money on library late fees than spend it on De Anza.

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