
What are the top 5 highest paying jobs not in medicine?

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What are the top 5 highest paying jobs not in medicine?




  1. Physicians and surgeons — $147,000

    Aircraft pilots — $133,500

    Chief executives — $116,000

    Electrical and electronic engineers — $112,000

    Lawyers and judges — $99,800

    Dentists — $90,000

    Pharmacists — $85,500

    Management analysts — $84,700

    Computer and information system managers — $83,000

    Financial analysts, managers and advisors — $84,000

    Marketing and sales managers — $80,000

    Education administrators — $80,000

    these are the Top Paying Jobs Overall

  2. Let's see...

    1. Principal manager of a large hedge fund.

    2. CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company.

    3. Professional athlete playing for a big league team.

    4. Head coach of a big league professional team.

    5. Head coach of a Division I-A college team.

    The problem, of course, is that those jobs are few and far between.  Take a look at number 5, for example; 35% of Division I-A head coaches earned $1 million or more in 2006 (the average Division I-A head coach earned $950,000), but there were only 119 Division I-A head coaches in the entire U.S.

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