
What are the top 5 worst rules infractions/penalties imposed to a golfer in pro golf?

by  |  earlier

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special emphasis on major tournaments wherein the player lost the tournament because of a rules violation. how much did it cost him on strokes and potential money earned/lost..




  1. Worst ever Roberto DiVincenso (sp?) lost when he was disqualified for signing an incorrect scorecard (and the card was a shot higher than he actually scored).  Ian Woosnam got penalized either 2 or 4 shots for having too many clubs in his bag - caddie forgot to take extra driver out that he was using at the range, and the course started with a par 3 hole so he didn't notice right away.  Toughest everyday penalty is hitting out of bounds, lose both a stroke and distance.

  2. Yikes, there are dozens of them, but the most common are:

    Signing an incorrect scorecard = DQ (eg writing a 4 when it was a 5 or even a 5 when it was a 4)

    Ball moves when a player gets ready to stroke it (particularly on a windy day)

    Lost ball

    Any OB

    Guess what - they are the same rules we all have to play by, so no one should say that they are the "worst" rules.

  3. the dumbest rule i saw was this year when stewart cink was dq'd for hitting his ball in a bunker to another bunker then his caddie raked it. when he hit the ball out of the next bunker the deemed it testing a lie how stupid. there are many others but my hands would proabally fall off typing them all. this is the #1 but i still love the game if we didn't have some rules the game wouldn't be what it is.

  4. My 5 are:

    1)Ball moves when a player gets ready to stroke it

    2)Grounding your club in the bunker

    3)Putting on the green when the flag is in.

    4)Getting rid of clubs because of their tramoline effect(why not just ban them for pro's?)

    5)Getting DQ'd for not circling what tee's you played off(trust me it happened)

  5. This is an interesting question and since you have already stipulated what you want, please give us your answers so that we may get some idea as to why you asked the question. There are very few infractions during any one season or during a professional golfer's lifetime so unless one has a photogenic memory dating back 50 years, this question begs to be answered.

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