
What are the top Education schools?

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I am majoring in Education. I want to teach Secondary School English. What are the top colleges for Education majors? I guess you could also include the best for English or both as well. Especially ones in MA, ME, or NH.




  1. New England is blessed by having many fine colleges and universities.  Where do you want to live?  in NH the U of NH in Durham is very good, of the smaller state schools, try looking into Keene State.  U of Mass at its many campuses are very good in preparing high school teachers.  For teaching in secondary level, any good state school would be great.  If you want to work more in educational investigation you will need to go to very high level schools.

  2. Harvard, I would say.  

  3. There is this place somewhere. But you have to get ALL A'S to get into it.

  4. Try:


    But here's a question for you?  Why do you want the TOP education schools when you say your plan is to teach high school?  I'd say a better plan would be to figure out where you want to teach, then inquire which are the major feeder schools for that high school.

    If your plan was to teach education on the university level, then I'd say you want to go to one of the top schools.

    Also, if you are going to teach hs, please don't bother going for a masters in education.  Rather, take a masters in the subject you plan to teach.

  5. Well, I live in Michigan and I got my education degree from a small school called Hope College. At this time, it has the best education program in the entire state of Michigan. Check it out:

  6. poorna pragnya  the bes school  

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