
What are the top five issues facing uk today you would like to see solved?

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I will give mine (not in any particularly order):-

1. National Health Service failings

2. Gangs

3. Disorder on the streets both teenages and drinking misconduct

4. Border control and immigration

5. Crime sentencing and control/monitoring of offenders - opt out of EU Human Rights cr*p stopping us tackling criminals




  1. 1.Lack of Honest Politicians


    3.Freedom erosion

    5 Education

  2. Independance for Scotland,

  3. *breakdown of family life

    *lack of personal responsibility

    *failing education system

    *rise in 'welfare culture'

    *general dumbing down and lack of pride

    EDIT - considering the lack of responses I'm going to add


  4. 1. Government failure, including the loss of personal data to name an example.

    2. Border control and immigration

    3. Relationship to America and how it effects the country (currency, war, oil...)

    4. Tax money (the amount, as it is spent on ridiculous things these days)

    5. Codex Alimentarius 31 December 2009 (Worth looking up especially on Youtube)

    There are many more, but these were the first things that popped into my head.

  5. 1.  Drugs and crime.

    2.  An overhaul of the welfare system - too many using it as a hammock, while we import others to do basic work like harvesting, hotel work, cleaning, etc.

    3.  Bringing back a sense of shame - for drunkenness, swearing, adultery, out of control children, etc etc.

    4.  I'd like to see criminals get real sentences, with a tougher regime in prisons.

    5.  And no religion in schools.  Ever.  It is divisive and breeds a feeling of superiority.  An apartheid system if ever there was one.

    Edit:  I see 1 an 4 are tied, so I'll add - upgrade the education system - give teachers the power to uphold discipline.

  6. Immigration

    iIlegal Immigrants

    Eastern European Construction Workers undercutting our own

    NHS FILTH - needs cleaning

    Gang Culture - needs Culling.

    Un-elected PM - needs shooting

    Our soldiers dying in illegally occupied Territories for a PM that f*cked off and didn't finish the job.

    Ressession - and all it brings with it.

    0h sorry is that 8 .. well I have 8 more if you want them?

  7. Failure of Spice Girls reunion. Ongoing obsession with fish and chips. London fog. Starbucks mosques. Gordon Brown's wardrobe.

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