
What are the top news agencies in US or Britain (audio preferred)?

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Apart from BBC, NPR, VOA and CNN




  1. In the UK you have the top news broadcaster,  the BBC.

    USA Today.

    USA Radio.

    BBC News.................. 600 stations in the US.

  2. None of the companies you have mentioned are news agencies, they are news broadcasters.

    Reuters News Agency -- London

    Reuters TV -- London (formerly Visnews).

    APTN  -- London  (formerly ATN and before that UPITN). It is similar to, and in opposition to, Reuters TV.

    Associated Press (AP) -- New York (it is a part owner of APTN)

    CBS -- New York (it does reciprocal deals with APTN)

    NBC -- New York (it does reciprocal deals with Reuters TV)

    ABC -- New York ( it does reciprocal deals with Reuters TV)

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