
What are the top100 issues that are destroying American families today?

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What are the top100 issues that are destroying American families today?




  1. Parents who feel they need to be hyper-involved with every aspect of their children

    Anyone can start a family; I think there should be some mandatory education first

    The intolerant religious right, indoctrinating our young in a pathos of guilt and hate.


  2. The "I don't really want to think" mindset.  Everyone just wants to put their brain on auto-pilot.

  3. So, you want a book?  100 is a lot of issues.  I think the #1 issue is lack of good moral parenting and #2 is drugs.

  4. drugs

  5. Do you seriously want someone to list the whole 100 here?

    Try google

  6. Not in any particular order:

    Teenage unwed mothers on welfare

    Men that are proud when they impregnate women then abandon their kids

    Worship of pro sports 'hero's" as role models

    Political correctness

    Illegal immigration

    Congress that ignores the people

    Muslim extremism

  7. Families are contrary to the liberal mindset of the socialism agenda.  So my answer is government is and will destroy the American family.

  8. high school dropouts

    unwed births

  9. I don't have 100 but I believe the main problem is this: No morals and values.  A lot of people don't believe in a higher authority (God).  Some don't believe that if you could be brought into this world you can most definitely be taken out.  People don't believe that you WILL reap what you SOW!  We have this concept that if we go to school, go to college, get an excellent paying job then we can achieve the "American Dream".  Well guess what, if you don't have morals and values, then material things will only get you so far.  If you cheat, there are consequences.  If you kill, there are consequences.  If you steal, there are consequences.  If you are coveting (envying) someone else's stuff/wife/husband, there are consequences.  The basics like "What goes around, comes around" and "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction"?-->(something like that-LOL!) are very real ideals that people should keep in mind when making decisions in their everyday life.  All of it boils down to keeping God first in your life and everything else will follow.  Are you enjoying life where you are on the way to where you are going? (really good book by Joyce Meyer)  The Holy Bible is mainly what I use everyday for keeping morals and values close to home for my family.  There are so many different religions out here but the main point is that people believe in the Creator, our Father, God.  If we don't respect authority (starting with God), neither will our kids, and neither will their kids and neither will their kids and so forth and so on.  The cycle needs to be broken at some time.  It's time to take a stand.  This is the year-->2008!! 8 means new beginnings.  Take advantage while you can.  Enjoy life and break the cycle.  Be happy, praise God.  Peace and blessings to you all.  Don't want to offend anybody, but I'm happy right where I am because this is where God wants me to be right now.

  10. How lightly marriage and having children is entered into, and the amount of adultery going on

  11. fast food




  12. We have turned away from God.

  13. not 100, but this is what I got




    The internet ( D*** you myspace!)


    fast food

    poor education

    lack of religion or diffrent religon between family members

    weak leadership of parents( showing the kids whos boss)



    celeberties (setting a bad example)

    social service( somtimes they do more harm than good)

  14. People using electronic means to connect to each other instead of actually talking face to face.  Ummmm  gotta go.

  15. parents that are bored with their lives.

  16. The homosexual agenda which is an abomination and a stench in the nostrils of the Lord.

  17. money
















  18. immigration and intergration. neither is a reference to race but to a way of life.

  19. s*x gang ,gun volince so much to name

  20. Television, only 2% of Americans read for pleasure

  21. while I don't have evidence to support these, and there are not 100 of them here is my top list:

    #1) American Government involving itself in everything we do

    #2) Welfare state


    #4) Single parent families (see #2 and #3 above)

    #5) Shrinking middleclass

    #6) Job Loss and erosion of Industrial base

    #7) p**n

    #8)Internet addiction

    #9) Moral Bankruptcy

    #10) Lack of civil leadership

    I believe this is a good start.

  22. The removal of GOD and MORALITY from our society has changed our value system for the worse.

    Without believing that you ARE going to be held accountable for your actions... EVERYTHING becomes "acceptable".   Be it premarital s*x... abortion... drugs...  out of wedlock kids....  laziness....violence....

  23. low minimum wage

    both parents needing to work


    parents being looked down on for spanking


    lack of consequence

    turning our backs on God (or whoever you worship)

    lack of morals being taught

    this is just a few i could go on but i have a house to clean lol

  24. Parents living way beyond their means because they want to overcompensate for something -instead of focusing on raising their children properly.

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