
What are the tradinional greek feelings for <span title="turks,albanians,bulgarians">turks,albanians,bulgarian...</span> and north(macedonians)FYROM?

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What are the tradinional greek feelings for turks,albanians,bulgarian... and north(macedonians)FYROM?




  1. there are no traditional feelings of Greeks towards the others simply coz there are many people who belong into different categories in politics...somebody below answered that Greeks hate those nations which u mentioned i strongly disagree though coz there&#039;s a strong anarchocommunistic base in greece (almost 20% votes for the two main leftist parties not to mention the non-parliament ones)and these people traditionally DON&#039;T hate foreigners

  2. I am FYROMIAN and I LOVE the GREEKS.

  3. We  have the same feeling the have for us.

    As for Lady S:

    1st your answer is irrelevant with the question.

    also,a Greek can describe better how its feels,than how you think greeks feel

    We don&#039;t have particular opinion about Bosnians.

    My personal opinion is very neutral.I would be really bad if I say,I don&#039;t care???

    1)Look out how many Muslim live in Greece (immigrants and the Muslim minority),ask them if they have any problem because of their religion

    2) &amp; 3) I dont know if this is something you support but Greeks are not fans of the idea &quot;the friend of my enemy is my enemy&quot;....

    Honestly,Bosniacs are the last in the area we have feelings for (good or bad)


    Read again,we are not supporting the think that &quot;the enemy of my friend is my enemy&quot; or &quot;the friend of my enemy is my enemy&quot;.....

    and when I said I dont care,doesn&#039;t mean I hate you..

    And Lady S,It just happened to you,to meet a special case.

    I have both in my extended family Muslim and Budhist people,and they never had a problem with Greeks.


  4. Turks : Nice people but they have problems with their oppressive governments

    Turkey : Exports its own problems to its neighbors

    Albanians : They had a cultural shock in 1990 when the border was opened and they fled to Greece realizing we are not children eaters

    Albania : They cant export their problems

    Bulgarians : Nice people. They were the first ones in the Balkans to realize we are far from children eaters (actually we are peacefull pitogyro devourers)

    Bulgaria : They are exporting cheap working material and import huge inveestments from Greece

    FYROMians : They have many ethnic minorities that in the end they form a majority : The Albanians want to unite with Albania, the Serbians with Serbia, the Bulgarians with Bulgaria, the Greeks with Greece and who ever is left call them selves the &quot;M&quot; word....

    FYROM : Their governement needs to borrow history books from its neighbors

    And last but not least... Greeks and Greece!

    Greeks : Nice people. Big tzatziki easters with plenty of garlic. We work a lot but we are underpaid, we demand minimum payment at 1400 Euros a month but forget to realize that the economy does not have the neccessary structure to support that.

    Greece : Succefully conceals its problems from its neighbors

  5. Vasiliki:

    Of course you don&#039;t care about us. We are just some people that your Serbian friends wanted to get rid of, and you helped them.

  6. Pretty general (read: prejudicial),  and really NOT about travel at all.  

    I think it&#039;s about time you people stopped trying to incite hatred, and tried to begin making the people who are NOT part of your little clique feel like your countries might possibly be someplace we would WANT to visit, rather than perpetuating a feeling that your countries are full of hate, which certainly wouldn&#039;t make them very appealing to me.

    And doesn&#039;t

    This is a travel site, not a &quot;let&#039;s see how much we all hate each other&quot; site.

  7. the feelings are: we treat all albanians, turks, bulgarians, macedonians, romanians, georgians, russians, etc like s**t. but the greeks kind of need them for most jobs (construction, baby sitting, fields, olives, waiters, strippers) oh yea they pay them less also. i dont feel this way.

  8. The feelings are mutual.

  9. northern macedonians: florina and edessa have good people and great artists like floriniotis

  10. Well, plain and simple, they don&#039;t seem to be too fond of them.

    I have also discovered that most Greeks don&#039;t have sympathy for my country, Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina, either. (Or should I say more precisely, for Bosnian Muslims.) There are mainly 3 reasons for this:

    1.) Because we are Muslims;

    2.) Because we are friends with Turkey;

    3.) Because we were in a war with Serbians (who attacked us first, by the way).

    Allan D, there&#039;s no way that you&#039;re Macedonian. If you were, you would never call your country FYROM and you wouldn&#039;t be writing such idiotic things, like you usually do on Yahoo Answers. It&#039;s obvious you don&#039;t know anything about Macedonia and your only goal is to provoke.

    EDIT to Vasiliki: Well, I didn&#039;t care about Greece either, but like I said, my brother married a Greek woman and she was a great person, so I started liking Greece (even though her family never accepted us). But then, when the war started here in Bosnia, Greeks were generally on Serbian side, while the rest of the world knew Serbs were the guilty ones. Also, let me tell you that I have had some pretty bad experiences with Greeks, even here on Yahoo some of them sent me extremely offensive e-mail messages, calling me &quot;smelly Muslim&quot; etc. Did you notice what happened when someone asked here where all of us are from? I said &quot;Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina&quot; and got the most thumbs down, right after that Macedonian guy. Of course it&#039;s offensive to see that just the mentioning of my country caused so many people hit the thumb down. A lot of Greeks I encountered were not thrilled that I was Muslim and they kinda identified Bosnian Muslims with Turks. So, I know what I&#039;m talking about.

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