
What are the traditional horseracing betting wagers?

by Guest34336  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Horse race betting is a famous phenomenon in the sports betting circles. Can you help me know, complete details of traditional horseracing betting wagers? As I have no idea about the traditional horseracing betting wagers, please help me in this regard.




  1. Traditional horseracing betting wagers - Win,Place, Show

    WIN - You bet your horse to finish first.If your horse wins you collect.
    PLACE - You bet your horse to finish second. If your horsefinishes first or second you win.
    SHOW - You bet your horse to finish third. If your horsefinishes first, second or third you win.
    ACROSS THE BOARD - You bet your horse to win, place andshow. If your horse finishes anywhere in the first three positionsyou win.
    WIN-PLACE - You bet your horse to win and place. If yourhorse finishes in either of the first two positions you win.

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