
What are the traits of a Aquarius girl??

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i was born in feb.3 wich means im a aquarius but what are some qaulities or traits that aquarius girls have??

do guys find our personality attractive?




  1. S****y, loud, rude, goofy, secretive, awkward, obnoxius, annoying, charming, lively..

    I have had really bad experiences with them..

    ALTHOUGH, my first love was one.

  2. yes we do.

  3. I was born on Feb 2!!!!

    This web site has some great info

  4. Im an aquarius girl and I ROCK!!!

  5. Aquarius Female


    A typical Aquarius female has broad shoulders and a highly defined bone structure. You have long, graceful, swanlike neck. You have a wide variety of interests and because of such characteristic, you find it easy to identify and commune with people from all cultures and walks of life. This allows you to accept many different view points with ease on any given question. Most Aquarian women are lovely, with a haunting, wistful beauty. Aquarian females are often the most beautiful women in the zodiac. At the very least, they're interesting-looking. The Aquarian manner of dressing can stop you dead in your tracks.


    You have lack of self-confidence, and tend to overly rely upon semi-mystical divination systems to tell you what to do on daily basis.


    An Aquarius female has high standards and insist on being treated with respect. You will never compromise in any case. You are sensitive, intellectual and you like parties and people. You are honest, direct and will tolerate anything for those whom you care about or whom you love. You are a very generous person, always willing to offer advice to those in need. You do require great deal of love and companionship, but on your terms. You are not that eager to marry and you seek intellectual stimulation foremost.

    Aquarius Traits

    Positive Traits

    •  Friendly and humanitarian

    •  Honest and loyal

    •  Original and inventive

    •  Independent and intellectual  

    Aquarius Likes : fame and recognition, personal privacy, rainbows, dreams, magic, change for its own sake, eccentricity, surprises, and living within their means despite the many temptations which constantly surround them every waking moment.

    Aquarius Dislikes : emotion and intimacy, people who show off, being taken for granted, being pinned down, violence and fighting, and senseless or purposeless extravagance of any sort.

    General features

    A typical Aquarius has the attribute of intense desire to communicate. You are a bit tactless and rude if you don't learn to moderate your constant broadcasting around those whose opinions may be a bit more on the conservative side. You are interesting and attractive. You can be shy, sensitive, gentle and patient or enthusiastic and lively with a tendency to be exhibitionists. Both types are strong willed and forceful in its own way. You are very opinionated with strong convictions and fight for what you believe. You are farsighted and innovative. You are generally without prejudice and quite tolerant of others' point of view. They are good listeners, and care deeply for their friends. To people they are not close to however, they can be somewhat detached. The Aquarius sun sign is true blue and loyal. They are one of the first to sign up to server their country, and will give their lives defending her.

    You are truly humane and known to be frank and outspoken. You are refined and idealistic, romantic and practical, personable and likable person. Being quick in mind and responding, you love activity and are quite reasonable in that. They can be counted on to come up with original ideas. They make good designers and inventors as well as musicians. These intellectuals excel in the arts as well as the technical trades. You cherish and guard your independence and are a strange mixture of caring concern and cool detachment. You will go out of your way to help when needed but will never get emotionally involved.

    Virgo Man & Aquarius Woman

    This match has hardly any chance of working out. You are an optimistic person who has a natural, positive approach to viewing the world. Meanwhile, he is a born pessimist who always looks on the darker side. This guy can find a problem with almost any person, thing or situation if given enough time. You will find this completely depressing and frustrating, and you won’t be able to break him of this habit. Plus, to make things worse, you are a bad romantic match and the chemistry between you is pretty blah. So even kissing will be a big bore. Avoid this hopeless match- it’s not worth your time or effort. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    Talk about mutual motivation! You both have an uncanny ability to think things into the ground, and it seems like neither of your minds ever hit the stop button.  Together, Aquarius girl and Virgo boy can inspire each other to be better people with big goals and ambitions. The attraction part is there, too! ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )

  6. Good Side:

    Friendly and humanitarian

    Honest and loyal

    Original and inventive

    Independent and intellectual

    Bad Side:

    Intractable and contrary

    Perverse and unpredictable

    Unemotional and detached

    I'm aquarious too. But I'm not sure if many guys like aquarious people.

  7. hey! im an aquarius too!

    we're supposed to be creative and smart and independent

    our best match in guys is a leo

    though the guy above me is right, astrology is totally bs

  8. Your Main trait -- You're creative, unique, and full of imagination.

    Your Main Flaw -- You can be emotionally detached and unpredictable, but it's probably due to your creativity and lack of order.

    Relationship -- The thing that guys will love about you is that you follow your own rules and how unlimited your love and will power is. They find you extremely loyal, but only if they give you your space. That being said, your perfect match would be someone who doesn't control you or possess you. Your guy should let you flee and roam as you please, because they know that once you're done exploring the world around you, he'll be waiting for you to run back into his arms. He needs to be romantic because aquarius girls find it difficult to express their feelings.

    Hope that helps! =)

    ** Sorry to say, Virgo and Aquarius is a bad combination! Vigro's are more orderly and reserved, but who knows .. opposites attract sometimes.

  9. Astrology is BS...

  10. All that zodiac c**p is fake.

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