
What are the traits to describe a guy cute/hot?

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I really want to know what does a guy have to make them cute. I am 15 so keep it to my age. Thanks




  1. eyes





    good self esteem but NOT cocky


    sense of humor


  2. 1 Where some kind of ax or something

    #2 Thinks of there girlfriend and not just them self

    #3 Trys to keep his looks up

    #4 When he is around his friends he does not ignore me but talks to me

    #5 Gives me respect

    #6 Does not make me do anything that i dont want to do

    #7 Is honest

    #8 is pure

    #9 Athletic

    #10 has a good idea what he wants to do with his life

  3. 1. Super Sweet

    2. CUTIE!!

    3. HOTTIE!!

    4. COOL!! (Not Always)

  4. smart to a point where he is almost nerdy



    can take a joke

    confident but not cocky

    cares about other people

    not a mamas boy major turn-off

    i hope that helped

  5. hair that isn't all gelled up and gross, casual, cute smile ( crooked is fine, i guess), big eyes, medium length hair, not too long, TALL, not anorexic or fat.

  6. cute guys are really sweet and funny and are definetly not pervertedd. just be nice and b outgoing but not like too much where its creepy.

  7. the main thing I look at is his attidude. Seriously, if a guy tries to act like someone he's totally turns me off. I'm not sure about every other girl..but thats me. And of course it's always nice to be in style and all that. But if your heart is in the right place everything else will yourelf.

  8. Personality:

    - extremely intelligent

    - charming

    - observing

    - people-smart

    - isn't a dumb jock


    - expressive eyes (heh heh)

    - clean hair

    - smells good (not like a wet dog)

    - NO skinny jeans or baggy jeans (gross)

    - tall is a plus...

    - doesn't wear plaid shorts or Hollercrombie

    And this is of the utmost importance:

    He must not have a weird southern/western accent. Nice voices REALLY matter.

  9. ;

  10. Somebody who's muscular, great eyes, nice hair that's not messy. I love guys with really nice smiles that make your heart melt :) Also guys with REALLY COOL SHOES. OMG.  

  11. I personally like tan, but not burnt. A guy who has obvious good hygiene and who also isn't afraid to be himself. Calm, laid back and confidence are all definitely pluses.  

  12. Someone hot/cute to me might be ugly to you and vice versa, it's your opinion, same as someone/something thats beautiful to one person might be ugly to another!

    Charlotte x

  13. If you're looking for a good person I would say to be yourself. Everyone has different tastes, but you can get a general idea from the responses. If you don't know yourself yet, take the time to figure yourself out. You're young so you have time. It will be much easier to have a girlfriend once you do that.

    When I notice a guy, his face is like beautiful to me. Kind eyes and a great smile is like #1 for me. He should be smart and kind, and sensitive. He can definitely act like a guy though, I'm not looking for a g*y dude, lol. He doesn't have to be the funniest person alive, but I want them to have the same sense of humor as me (very important). I tend to like skinnier guys, but thats just me. s**y voice helps. ;-)

    I'm 19 and I like guys that are real and down to earth. Definitely NOT cocky, such a turn off. I don't want a guy to try and wear what everyone else is wearing. I hate the preppy hollister look, personally. I don't like for a man to buy expensive designer stuff, cuz it's stupid. I don't want a man to spend more time in the bathroom than me either!

    I'm very specific but I hope that helps! Don't try and worry about what people want you to be, confidence is the key. If you want an example I would research Brandon Boyd, he is like my dream man. :-P lol I'm such a loser.

  14. Ok so my list is...

    Athletic, cute, funny, tall, smart, sweet, good outlook on life

    for me cute is what you say when the guy is just that cute... when i call a guy hot, it means all of him, not just his looks but his personality too. Haha but thats just me :)

  15. I read a woman's comment about opinions and I think Allan is conducting a survey and gathering a consensus quality or traits of what women find attractive in guys.  

  16. all by preference, some people like fat people some like skinny, some like money, some for that buff guy, the hair, etc... all on preference, you are still young, you have nearly a century to figure out what you like, keep on looking

  17. they need to be confident, sweet, understanding, and muscular!!!!

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