
What are the treatments for pancreas cancer?

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a friend just got diag with it and they are going to remove it with surgey , she did not say it was life threating surgey but i want to know what surgey prod do they have for this .i know all cancer is serious . now some facts i know she said it has not spread anywhere , and the will just remove that spot .




  1. pancreatic cancer is usually detected in late stages. it does not show symptoms in early stages.There are two treatment or chemotherapy. The choice will be made by the doctor depending on how much of the pancreas is involved. You can refer to the following website for further details.  

  2. Cancer Support

    Information about support groups for patients and others affected by cancer, eating and nutrition, coping and surviving, and other related resources.

    Cervical Cancer

    Cervical cancer is explored through signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and risks.

    Cervical Cancer

    Facts about cervical cancer that includes causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prevention, and risk factors.

    Cervical Conditions

    Cervical conditions from dysplasia to polyps and cervical cancer are described and discussed. Find out what your doctor really means when he talks about your cervix.

  3. Yes all cancers are serious, but some are more serious than others. Pancreatic cancer is one the deadliest cancers there are. There are a few procedures for surgically removing it none of which are particularly life threading, especially compared to the disease. The most common is called the Whipple procedure. After surgery is completed the doctor’s will know the extent of her disease and will discuss treatment options.

    I don’t want to scare or upset you, but perhaps it is best you that you start to understand the seriousness of your friend’s condition now, rather than her to explaining it to you herself. The biggest problem she is facing is not the surgery. Her prognosis is not good. A stage 1 (localized) pancreatic cancer has a 5 year survival rate of about 16% and only about 8% are diagnosed at this stage. People with advanced disease survive 6-9 months. I hope she is one of the lucky ones.

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