
What are the twelve signs doing for Labor Day,[A Scenario]?

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Remember it was done for the 4th of July

Someone here is creative

Thanks Laro




  1. Aries are going to do something competitive, like sports or video games.  Someone will get hurt.  The cops will be called.

    Taurans are going to fire up the grill and cook some steaks

    Geminis are going to be celebrating the way they usually do, but they'll be on a phone, emailing someone on a Sidekick and barbecuing at the same time.

    Cancers will pore over family pictures and reminisce about the past, then go eat some crabs

    Leos will be having a barbecue, but arguing over how it's supposed to be done, and daring anyone to disagree.

    Virgos will be doing Fall cleaning.

    Libras will probably find the one spa open on Labor Day or get their nails done.

    Scorpios will be doing something near water, probably at the beach.

    Sagittarians will be debating with anyone who will listen over the origins of Labor Day.

    Capricorns will probably have a job where they have to work on Labor Day.  If they don't have to work, they'll be at home, eating curried goat, wishing they were working.

    Aquarians will be UFO spotting.

    Pisces will either be getting drunk at a fish fry or getting high at the beach.

  2. Ok the scenerio is a Labor Day BBQ.

    Aries is playing baseball in the field and raming everyone in it.

    Taurus is chowing down the whole picknic table.

    Gemini is Getting on everones nerve for talking to d**n much.

    Cancer is getting Crabby 'cus the music is too loud.

    Leo Is on top of a bench telling a story with people rounded up.

    Virgo's day is totally ruined because a tiny drop of mustard is on her blouse.

    Libra is deciding on what to do, what to eat, who to talk to, and everything else.

    Scorpio is flirting with everyone in the BBQ.

    Sagittarius is in the wooded area climbing a tree.

    Capricorn is the Chef and is trying to keep everyone in line and in order.

    Aquarius is in a deep conversation trying to explain the Big Bang Theory.

    Pisces is sitting on the grass all alone.

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