
What are the two chemicals used to make glow sticks glow?

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When you look inside of a glow stick theres a glass tube filled with a chemical that you break to mix two chemicals, i want to know what those two chemicals are. Thanks for your time.




  1. the other feller is right but you can make one your self with oxigenated water and luminol, u can borrow it from school or a lab!

  2. The glass tube contains hydrogen peroxide, and the surrounding envelope contains a mixture of phenyl oxalate ester and a fluorescent dye (the dye used varies according to what colour light the manufacturer makes the glow stick to emit). When the glass tube is broken and the chemicals mixed, the hydrogen peroxide oxidises the ester, producing phenol and peroxyacid. The peroxyacid is unstable and quickly decomposes into more phenol and a cyclic peroxy compound (which then decomposes into carbon dioxide). These decompositions release energy which excites electrons in the fluorescent dye and causes light to be emitted.

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