
What are the two contending theories about the origin of the world?

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I only need TWO THEORIES about the origin of the world Please also do identify, enumerate and describe each of the diff. scientific theories Thank you




  1. Creationism

    At a broad level, a Creationist is someone who believes in a god who is absolute creator of heaven and earth, out of nothing, by an act of free will.

    Big Bang Theory

    According to the standard theory, our universe sprang into existence as "singularity" around 13.7 billion years ago.

    I am sure that you are familiar with Creationism.

    If you need more info on The Big Bang, go to:

  2. Is this homework?  If so, then it is best that you do the work yourself!

    However, the two prevaling theories are:

    The world was created by God -- Nuff Said, he can do it all.  No explanation required.

    The Big Bang Theory -- That  at one time everything required to create the world just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and BANG!!! They all came together and the earth was created!  

    Which seems most reasonable to you?  Can either of them be proved "Scientifically"?  

    Do your own homework!

  3. There really are only two theories Creationism, or Big Bang.  Remember both are only theories, neither is provable.  why? because no one was there.  Both could be correct in itself, God could have started it all with a Big Bang.  God only knows

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