
What are the two most crucial things to remember when going on a run/jog?

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seriously, this isnt a HW assignment, actual answers please!




  1. ...

    To avoid the most common and the most serious injuries, do the following:

    1. Wear shoes that fit YOU.  Which often means going to a running specialty shop and getting advice from the fairly knowledgeable clerks who work there.

    2. If on the roads, run against traffic, so you can see what's coming your way.



    P.s., that was tough, narrowing it down to two!

  2. 1)  Look good

    2) watch for dogs-- especially little yappy ones...they run out and bite your ankles.....

  3. 1.wear the right shoes. it mainly depends on your arch to tell what shoes to get.

    2. every time you go for a jog try and push your self to go a little faster each time.not so fast that you ware yourself out, but at a comfortable speed.

    I will give you a 3rd one too.

    3. try not to take a break and walk. try it if you don't jog that often like me, but if you jog every day,DON'T WALK.

  4. stretching properly is extremely important so that you don't hurt yourself. Pace, and breath. Seriuosly watch your breathing and your speed, in thru ur nose out thru ur mouth!

  5. 1. to breathe, and 2. don't trip.

  6. Warm up first then stretch working from the head down then set your distance and time yourself and as you get fitter increase the speed rather than the distance until you have maximised your speed/distance then increase your distance slowly wear sensible clothes if it is cold wear a hat and gloves you get no points for losing heat unecessarily if you want cameraderie join a runners club or athletics club they usually have all abilities and you get the chat and pointers about clothing etc

  7. 1. dont breathe through your mouth only your nose.if you breathe through your mouth you will get cramps under your ribs.

    2. also do anything to keep from getting tired(example)

    spit,close your eyes , anything like that

  8. You always need to bring a cell Phone so just in case you get hurt and you need to call someone.2nd, You need to wear the correct attire.You need good shoes that fit pretty tight so they don't fall of and you don't break your ankle.

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