
What are the two most important issues to you in this presidential election?

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The only moral issues are concerning the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of unborn babies, and that marriage stays between a man and a woman. Do you agree?

The rest basically deals with our economy and our public image amonst other nations - trivial.




  1. Economy

    Homeland Security

  2. `different American policy world wide, peace.

  3. Yes I agree with those two, g*y marriage and abortion.

  4. national security, humanity

  5. - supreme court nominations, the next president is bound to appoint one, being that the oldest justice is 88 - that will have the longest lasting effect on our country than anything else the president does

    - social security & medicare - these are the ticking time bombs that the government has not been able to solve and will cripple us a nation if we don't

    I am not so worried about g*y marriage- it will happen eventually anyway. Just like other advances in civil rights, people are increasingly ok with g*y marriage, it just a matter of time.  

    While they are not my #1 & 2 picks - I would not consider our economy or public image trivial. We are falling behind in globalization. American will not remain the superpower it is if we act like we don't care about the rest of the world - after all we owe China billions of dollars and our dollar is worth a lot less that many other nation's currency - but that is trivial compared to caring about what goes on in other people's bedrooms - right?

    I wouldn't consider

  6. National security and trust in a candidate's judgement.

    Which means I'm not really happy with McCain... but he's orders of magnitude better than Obama.

  7. 1) Keeping a Democratic Socialist out of the White House

    2) Making sure Obama loses

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