
What are the two types of respiration? differentiate?

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What are the two types of respiration? differentiate?




  1. Ok... It's pretty simple if you see...

    Aerobic - The type of respiration in which the animals inspire (breathe in) oxygen and  expire (breathe out) carbon di oxide to produce energy. Example -  We, human beings.

    An-aerobic - The type of respiration in which the energy is produced in the absence of oxygen. Example : certain bacteria

    C6H12O6 \to 2C3H6O3 + 2 ATP.

    ATP = Adosine Tri Phosphate

  2. Aerobic and Anaerobic.

    Aerobic is in the presence of oxygen, and produces the waste product of CO2, and produces 30 ATP units - energy units.

    Anaerobic is without oxygen and produces lactic acid, and only produces 2 ATP units, making it much less effective.

  3. the two types of respiration are aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.

    aerobic respiration involve oxygen. it is carried out in the bodies of almost all living organisms. there is a complete oxidation of glucose, leading to the release CO2 , water and large amount of energy. some lower organisms like yeast and bactetia release energy by breaking glucose into ethyl alcohol and CO2.

    anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen. this is also called fermentation.

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