
What are the typers of scientific variables?

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What are the typers of scientific variables?




  1. Did you mean types of scientific variables??

    they are also known as controlling variables

    Controlling Variables

    a. Independent vs. Dependent Variables

    An experiment involves the manipulation of one or more variables by the experimenter in order to determine the effect of this manipulation on another variable. In the following research hypothesis, if albino rats are subjected to microwave radiation then their food consumption will decrease. In this hypothesis, which is reducible to if A, then B, the presence or absence of radiation is designated as the independent variable - the variable under the control of the experimenter. An independent variable is under the control of the experimenter to see how changing it causes a change in the dependent variable; the dependent variable depends on the independent variable. The terms independent variable and treatment are often used interchangeably. The dependent variable, the variable that is measured, is the amount of food consumed by the rats. The dependent variable reflects any effects associated with manipulation of the independent variable.

    b. Nuisance or Extraneous Variables

    In addition to independent variables, all experiments include one or more nuisance variables, which are undesired sources or variation in an experiment that may affect the dependent variable. Using the research hypothesis above, nuisance variables may include the s*x of the rats, variation in the weight before the experiment, presence of infectious diseases in one or more of the cages where the rats are housed, temperature variation among cages and differences in previous feeding experiences of the rats. Unless these are controlled, these nuisance variables can bias the outcome of the experiment.

  2. anyone with a typewriter, I guess

  3. Perhaps you mean independent and dependent variables?

    An independent variable is something the researcher controls.  A dependent variable is a measure resulting from the experiment.


  4. As already mentioned the variables will be the one you pick to change (independent) and the one that changes as a result - the dependent variable.  All other variables must stay the same and are controlled - control variables.

    The variables can be:

    categoric - a name or label like blue or big etc

    discrete  - whole number values, like 1 weight 2 weights

    continuous - able to be any value 2.36   1987.27 etc

    ordered - labels but can form a sequence eg small medium large.

    There are other types but this gets you started!

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