
What are the types of MIS reports?

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What are the types of MIS reports?




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    MIS Reports in NewGenLib are of two types:

    Routine reports, i.e., those that are normally required in a typical library. These reports are created from within the NewGenLib interface as and when required, and

    Ad-hoc reports, i.e., those that are required to be created on-demand by a given library. These kinds of reports will be custom-built by the library and NewGenLib will provide the means to do so.

    Reports of the above two kinds will be possible to be formatted as: tabular, textual, or graphical.

    Some reports will be available in one of these formats only.

    Routine MIS reports

    Acquisitions Module

    Table of acquisitions by type of physical material (e.g., books, audio files, computer files)  between a range of dates that is user-provided

    Table showing Acquisition staff productivity between a range of dates by:

    Requests refined

    Orders created

    Claims generated

    Gifts solicited

    Gifts received and prepared for technical processing

    Unsolicited gifts received and prepared for technical processing

    Vendor Performance Reports. These will be tabular/graphical reports showing the following information between a range of dates that is user defined:

    Name of vendor

    Total number of items ordered

    Total number supplied and percentage of such supplies to ordered

    How many supplied in 1-15 days; 16-30 days; 31-45 days; 46-60 days; and > 60 days. Each  these numbers will also be expressed as a percentage of total supplied;

    Total financial quantum of orders placed.

    4.      Budget reports. These will be tabular showing allocations, commitments, expenditure and balance as on the date

    5.   Budget Activity Reports (tabular/graphical) showing between two selectable dates, how different budgets have utilized funds put at their disposal containing the following kinds of information:

    Commitments made

    Expenditures made

    Balances available

    Over commitments allowed, if any.

    Accession Register. This is strictly not a MIS report. The user will provide as input a range of dates and/or accession numbers for the registers/register pages and will contain the following information

    Accession or stock register number. This number will be a unique number and could be used as a barcode number in the automated circulation module of NewGenLib.

    Date acquired/added

    Author/title/publisher/collation in brief

    Vendor who supplied/donor who gifted the item

    Invoice number

    Amount paid

    Library for whom acquired in the case of a multi-library hierarchical  network and where the Master library maintains the Accession Register for satellite libraries

    Serials management Module

    Daily tabular report of how many issues registered - Staff wise containing the following data:


    Volume and Issue number

    2.   Claims generated between range of dates containing the following information:

    Title of serial

    Number of claims generated

    Vendor or publisher to whom claim sent

    3.   Lists of serials that are due for renewal between a range of date containing the following data:

    Title of serial


    Vendor servicing the subscription, if any

    Date/Month of expiry of subscription

    Cost paid for earlier subscription

    Budget used for subscription

    4.      Report of Invoices paid between range of dates containing the following information

    Date of payment

    Invoice date

    Title of serial

    Volume/issues/year for which paid

    Amount paid

    Circulation Module

    Daily reports

    Tabular/graphical reports of transactions (issues, returns, reservations, etc.) during various times of the day (8.00 a.m. to 11.59 p.m.) in intervals of one hour

    Tabular/graphical reports of  transactions by category of users between range of dates

    Tabular/graphical reports of transactions by category of items between range of dates

    Tabular report of titles that were involved in Issue transactions greater than ‘n’ number of times during range of dates. Here ‘n’ can be user selected

    Tech. Processing Module

    Printed catalogue cards according to AACR-II standards on continuous card (5” x 3”) stationery. This feature will be provided only for small libraries which may not have too many user terminals and where the OPAC is not on the Internet. Such a facility is not needed for a large library whose OPAC is on the Internet and one which has many user terminals within the library. However, if this is needed for some reason, there will be a separate charge for this.

    Staff productivity reports. Tablular reports of  how many items technically processed during range of dates:

    By type of item

    By Staff member

    By library

    Time-to-catalogue report between range of dates containing the following information:

    Date and number of Items received

    Date when Items received were accessioned

    Date when technical processing of accessioned items were completed and data about item entered into the database

    Time taken to catalogue items from receipt of item till it is made available to Users containing the following information:

    Number of items catalogued in 1-15 days; 16-30 days; 31-45 days; 46-60 days; and > 60 days. Each of these numbers will also be expressed as a percentage of total catalogued

    New Accessions List between range of dates with one or more of the following options: 1. Alphabetically by author/title; 2. Alphabetically by first Topical term subject heading assigned to items and within each subject topical term, alphabetically by author/title, 3. By Classification number and within each classification number, alphabetically by author/title. Each of these options will have the following information:



    Material type

    Physical/Presentation form

    Call number

    Accession/barcode number

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