
What are the types of behavior patterns that can influence productivity in the work place?

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What are the types of behavior patterns that can influence productivity in the work place?




  1. jealousy, snide comments, tattletales, micromgrs

  2. Not talking,or communicating with co workers.

  3. By not becoming involved in negative gossip and criticism, the workplace can be very productive and comfortable. When people gossip and participate in unprofessional behavior, it's because their is a lack of productivity. People are bored and really don't know what professionalism is so they come to work and make it unpleasant for those who just want to earn a paycheck.

  4. No supervision anymore .Everyone is their own boss.

  5. Cliques, picking on people,  trying to pass work or responsibility off to someone else,  having private conversations on a cell phone or surfing the internet on work time, not arriving on time, leaving early, etc.

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