
What are the typical personality traits of 7 yr-old girl?

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...also how they behave around other siblings.....good and bad points appreciated.Thank you xx




  1. Well everyone is different.

    But they are generally competative with other siblings.

  2. fight all the time no end

  3. I don't believe that there are such things as typical personality traits of 7 yr olds, there is a whole spectrum of normal.  The only general thing you can say is that they will start becoming slightly more independent and assertive.  But that does not tell you too much that is useful.

    Instead, you may want to read books that discuss behavioral development as I did.  Off the top of my head some I really liked were "Children are from Heaven" by John Gray (author of Men are from Mars...) and "Parenting with Emotional Intelligence" by John Gottman (and another author, Claire someone).

    And I agree with a lot of experts who say there is no such thing as "bad traits" but what we see as bad are just normal manifestations of development that we need to understand and manage appropriately.  There are inappropriate behaviors and as we teach children responsibility they learn to eliminate those.

    Fighting with siblings is one of the aspects of developing independence and assertiveness and as parents we need to learn to channel it into more positive activities like games or studies or any acceptable competitive situations.  Some day we will all be proud when our kids demonstrate mature independence and assertiveness (but that may take a while in my case :-))

    I have a 7 & 8 yr old.

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