
What are the upcoming technologies in solar energy conservation.?

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adivise some solar technlogies for buildings like a campus dining or a commercial building.




  1. I know of one very exciting upcoming technology:  Thin Film Photovoltaics

    Regular, crystalline solar panels require silicon crystals.  As a result, there is a limit to how cheaply they can be made.  You can only cut manufacturing costs on regular solar panels by so much.  And right now, even at full production, they aren't cost effective without government subsidies.   But thin film panels don't require crystals.  They are still expensive, because they are new and not yet at full production.  But they hold a LOT of promise for bringing the price of solar PV down to being competitive with other traditional fuels.

  2. I recall some exciting news on cheap panels reported by popular science back in the mid '90's ,being developed by a Texas co. As I see it, the power co's are squashing-out the tech that will make every homeowner a power supplier during a three year payback probation period!

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