
What are the use of Special Needs people?

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Hi, I don't mean to be a complete meanie but I really want to know what are the use of this guys? I mean they don't really do anything at all except for eat,poo, and need 24/7 nursing.




  1. To love and be loved, what greater use is there than that!

    **If it was your child, would you be asking this question?

  2. How would you answer if you were the parent of a special needs child and you you read this question? I suppose I would tell you that Helen Keller  was thought to be unteachable. She was blind, deaf and mute....How could she possibly live afullfilling life?However her teacher Anne Sullivan saw a child who just needed direction. Children with special needs can teach us that we have a lot to learn about kindness ,acceptance and understanding.We are not all born  the same and we all bring with us different gifts and talents .Some people can sing well, some are educators,some are athletic, some are inventors, some are peacemakers,some are leaders Some have the most difficult task of  all teaching us we all have a place in this world .They teach us about unconditional love.

  3. You shouldn't look at people by what use they are to others. Otherwise men in general would have a problem. Everyone has merit including children who have special needs. Love is the key.

  4. Does everyone and everything have to have some use?  There are all kinds of people (some smarter than 2 year olds) that don't do much more than what you mention.

    What is your suggestion?

  5. I am not sure what my use is.  I don't have the mind of a two year old, but I know another person that answered your question mentioned that people with special needs know what is going on around them.  I totally agree with them.

    I have problems communicating.  I freeze around people, especially people I don't know.  It is a reaction like the "Deer caught in the headlights of a car" reaction.  

    I was playing a game tonight.  We were roleplaying kobalds....doing goofy things....being someone we were not.....acting, using a persona.  I am really good at that part.  I have practiced, a lot.  After the game though, I humiliated myself, thoroughly.  I got a ride home to my husband and my daughters and on the way home I froze in the middle of the conversation.  I couldn't talk.  Then when I unfroze (the lady in the passenger seat asked me about NCIS) I couldn't shut up.  What should be done with me?  **confused, nervous**  I also had teachers conferences today, and one was an IEP for my son, who has what I have, which is humiliating (to me) to talk about because of all the ridicule I have suffered in my life due to my behavior, or lack thereof.  I broke down during the meeting with my daughter's teacher though, I cried too....she actually listened to me.  She is lending credence to what I have to say about my daughter.  Her teacher is going to do what she can to help me to finally get her tested for Asperger's so that I can get her help.  I don't want her to have a hard time with things like I have had.

    I have asked myself many times....many many many times.....of what use am I?  I still don't know.  I have a really high IQ.  I do research, I can summarize the data I collect, I can write knowledgeably about the subjects that I research, and I can apply knowledge that I garner to life.  But I cannot interact with others very well at all....whatsoever....I suck at it!  

    So back to square one, eh?  (Not meaning to speak in a depressive manner, but "asking" in the spirit of the "answer" so to speak) What use am I?

  6. You don't mean to a complete meanie  ..but you sound a total mean person to me, do these people choose to be born with special needs or any son Thomas is nine and has severe autism he is non verbal ..its no wonder there are so many ignorant people in the world when there are people asking pathetic questions like this !

  7. Have you ever spent some time with a person with special needs?  It is easy to dismiss people that are not considered "normal" in society's eyes but there is a lot you can learn from those with special needs.  

    To the parent of the child with special needs, that child does hold a purpose.  In a general sense, special needs children teach the rest of us the importance of understanding, patience and to be grateful for everything we have.  

    Just remember, that on the outside a person may seem not to understand but inside they are completely aware of what is going on.  Sometimes it is the body that fails the person, not the mind.  I worked with a little boy that had Cerebral Palsy and had a lady approach me telling me he was a disgusting little boy and how dare I bring him out in public.  This child understood every word spoken.  How do you explain to this child that some people are ignorant?

    Before you cast judgement about the worth of people with special needs...ask yourself what is your use or purpose?  Would other people agree that the world is better off because you are here?  People's worth is subjective.

  8. Well,Have you heard of the autism epidemic?I bet you don`t know that there are as many,or more,people with high functioning autism.Mostly boys get it.When all the boys have autism,I guess woman will run the world.Things that are contributing to this,include the vaccines,Lymes disease,nutritional deficiencys,Heavy metal toxitity,the herpes virus.Since our food supply is so void of nutrition,It is a miracle,if any kid today is born without some kind of problems.Many have aspergers syndrome,high functioning autism.Maybe someone in your family has it.That means they are at risk for an autistic child,especially if that kid is a boy,is vaccinated,formula fed,and is antibiotics alot.I guess special needs people,teach compasion to those that are capable of feeling it.What is the purpose of making tons of money,and buying tons of things that you don`t need?What is your purpose?What is the purpose of people that are spoiled,materialistic,and self centered?What is the purpose of the drug companies?To get rich of the pain and suffering of others.They make us sick and incapacitated with what they put in the vaccines and then you go on perscription meds and they make tons of money.Not to mention the drs and insurance companies.What is their purpose?To get rich,no matter who gets hurt?

  9. These are the people who teach us compassion, patience and love and give our lifes meaning. They make us feel good about ourselves by allowing us to care for them.

  10. They remind the rest of us how lucky we really are.

  11. All humane life is worthy of have a good life ....Just because they are not perfect in your eyes it doesn't mean that they don't deserve to live...Some body loves them so  to me that reason enough for them to exist...

  12. If you don't mean to be a "Complete meanie" than "Why even ask such a ridiculous question in the first place?" Everyone has some purpose in life and maybe their purpose in life is to teach everyone else how lucky we are.

    Maybe their purpose in life is to bring the people that is around him/her closer together than what they would be otherwise by teaching them love and compassion.  Which is something that many "normal people" lack.

  13. They are humans like you and me.  They are young & very old.  You should take a human services class at the college level.  This will tell alot about people.

  14. Firstly they are human beings, that have the same thoughts and feeling as your or I, the only problem is they may not be able to express their thoughts and feelings they same way we do, and if they do it may through verbal noises or acting out in frustration.

    They also have the ability to feel love/hate etc, and feel things we take for granted. I worked with one young man who would love to feel the sun on his face, and would smile with glee, another the breeze through their hair, others just love being hugged or cuddled (possibly the only contact they get).

    I have also worked with some people who squeal with delight when certain people walk in the door, and will equally turn they head and avoid eye contact with those they do not like. Some of my clients have an uncanny knack of knowing who is genuine and who is not.

    I found that some of these people have wicked sense of humour, and will laugh at you falling or tripping over,  and cry when they realize you have really hurt yourself.  

    It may appear that some of these people are not really living, but it with the dedicated and loving care of their family, carers, nurses etc that make their life is a little easier, and never ever think they are not aware of what is going on around them, they may not understand the what or the why, but they do know.

    I forgot to add that they also teach us humility towards others, and makes us all think how lucky we really are.

  15. These Special Need people really need care because they can't take care of themselves and nobody wants them because of their physical and mental needs.

  16. What are the uses of special need people? special needs people can show emotion and love and determination just like you and me! they can be trained in tasks that you and I take for granted simple as picking up paper or wipiing off a table. they can also be potty trained and feed themselves if they are trained by the right people! it takes longer and lots of patience  but it can be done. yes they need a bit more supervision  than a "normal" person but can function independently. as for eating, pooping and 24/7 nursing doesn't a drug addict need the same thing?What is their use?  I work in a Classroom with special needs children and I help  train them to be independent

  17. Hitler didn't seem to think a lot of populations should survive either...

    There sure are a lot of people who aren't special needs who aren't doing anything with their lives either! Are you going to be the one to "unplug" them?

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