
What are the uses and abuses of strikes?

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What are the uses and abuses of strikes?




  1. Strike is a potent weapon against the capitalists to drum up the demands of the workers but it must not be used for political or religious purposes.

  2. Strikes are a bargaining tool. When the two sides (management and workers) can't come to an agreement during negotiations, the workers can opt to strike. Rarely are strikes ever abused by those on the side of workers. But as with the Writer's strike a few months ago, the Corporations can put pressure on the Unions/ workers by laying off other staff who aren't part of the same union. For example, the Writer's were on strike, but then stage hands, boom technicians, etc. were laid off. This could have resulted in their Union putting pressure on the Writer's union to resolve their negotiations as soon as possible. In my opinion, that is an example of how Corporations abuse strikes and workers rights. My feeling is that there have to be more pros than cons when companies become Corporations. And if they can take that step that is beneficial for them, then workers should be able to openly join/ form unions since there are obviously more pros than cons. Because if there weren't then why would Corporations, etc. be so opposed to workers joining/ forming a union?

  3. Years ago, there was a good need for unions & the ability of a group of workers to strike.  It was for better wages, safer working conditions, etc...  There is power in numbers when workers organize.  It is a double edge sword though.

    Nowadays, with HR departments, OSHA, labor laws, etc there isn't much real need for that.

    In my opinion, unions & selfish workers are killing this country.  Threatening to, or actually going on strike because you want $20 an hour to do a $5 an hour job is one of the reasons that many companies are moving a lot of the work overseas.

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