
What are the usual side effects after getting a tooth filled?

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Help help... i need to know because my side of the face is numb and everytime i talk or smile the numb side of my mouth goes down and my lips look lopsided




  1. You don't need to worry about that. There are no side effects from having a cavity filled. The only thing you might experience is a little sensitivity in your newly filled teeth.

    The numbness you speak of is just the Novacaine (I don't know how to spell it) that they injected into your gum(s) before they began the procedure. You will feel numb, and yes your lip will be a little flimsy and lopsided for a few hours before the Novacaine wears out.

    Don't eat hot food! Or anything really, until you can feel the inside of your mouth. I've bitten my tongue and burned my mouth so many times from eating stuff I couldn't feel in my mouth!


  2. Yes. It's normal for you to be numb for even a few days after a fill. And you will have soreness, and you probably wont eat well because when you chew it'll hurt. And your mouth looking weird is normal as well... if it lasts longer than a week see your dentist again

  3. yep thats normal it will go away in a couple of hours

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