
What are the views of Ghulam Mirza about Islam?

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It is surprising that the curses of Ghulam Mirza left no one out of his clutches.

He insulted Allah

He insulted Prophet Muhammad P-B-U-H

He Cursed Jesus Christ P-B-U-H

It is indeed sad that he did not even Left Islam and the Holy Quran ( The religion and the book that He supposedly follow )

This is what he says about Islam

"We believe that a religion which does not have the continuity of Prophethood (as in Islam) is a dead religion. We call the religions of the Jews, the Christians and the Hindus dead only because now there are no prophets in them. If this were the position in Islam too, we would be no more than mere storytellers. Why do we regard it superior to other religions? It must have some distinction".

(Malfoozat-e-Mirza, Vol. 10, page 127)


"That religion is no religion and that prophet is no prophet by following whom a man does not come so close to God as to be honoured with divine conversation. That religion is ACCURSED and CONTEMPTIBLE which teaches that human progress depends only on a few narrated anecdotes (i.e. stories in Holy Quran and the Shari'at-e-Muhammadia which is narrated from the Holy Prophet pbuh - Compiler) and that the 'WAHI' has lagged behind instead of going ahead......hence such a religion deserves to be called SATANIC rather than divine religion."

(Zamima Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Part V, Roohani Khazain, Vol. 21, p. 306)

"How absurd and false it is to believe that after the Holy Prophet (pbuh) the door of the divine 'wahi' has been closed for ever and there is no hope of it in the future till the Day of Resurrection - just worship the stories. Can a religion having no direct trace of Almighty Allah be called a religion? . . . . . I say, by Almighty God, that in this age there is no one more fed up than myself with such a religion. I name such a religion as Satanic religion and not Rehmani (divine) and I believe that such religion guides towards h**l and keeps one blind in life and till death."

(Zamima Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Part V, Roohani Khazain, Vol.21, p354)

"From my early age till now when I am 65 years of age, I have been engaged , with my pen and tongue, in an important task to turn the hearts of Muslims towards the true love & Goodwill & sympathy for the British Government and to obliterate the idea of Jehad from the hearts of stupid (Muslims)."

(Kitab-ul-Bariyah, Roohani Khazain vol 13 p.350)




  1. He is a kaffir!!

  2. My expectation to answer questions regarding quotes of Hazrat Ahmad (as) is evidence you've read the book yourself, either in the original language or a translation done by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.

    Otherwise it is a waste of your time and my time and those of this forum especially. I've answered every question in the past regarding quotes, and true to what I predicted, all you do is find new quotes from new anti ahmadi websites. More than once now people have posted quotes that don't even exist and are just made up. Is this what a Muslim does?

    This puts you, sadly, in the same category of those who assault Islam with websites like etc. I do not associate with such people who assault Islam with those websites, and thus it does not make sense Islamically to associate with those who assault the Messiah and Mahdi sent by Allah with those type of websites.

    If you have read the book, show me by posting at least 1 page from before the quote in question, the quote in question, and 1 page after the quote in question. Then I will gladly answer it, you have my word in writing.

    Allah bless you brother.

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. Well, of course, we agree that he was one of the lying dajjals, and here is one of the main reasons...

    A Qadyani magazine, Review of Qadyan, wrote: "Hypochondria was not hereditary in our revered leader. It was due to outside factors. He alone suffered from it in his family, and it's symptoms appeared due to weakness of brain" (August, 1936)

    Now, this hypochondria is a form of melancholia. Dr. Adler gives a very accurate description of it:

    "Melancholia is like a long continued rage and reproach against others, though for the purpose of gaining care, sympathy and support, the patient seems only to be dejected about his own guilt. A melanchoilac's first memory is generally something like this: 'I remember I wanted to lie on the couch, but my brother was lying there. I cried so much that he had to leave."

    So, he suffered from a mental sickness. We can expect him to contradict himself, abuse everyone in the world and anything else. Of course, that's how melancholiacs are expected to behave. But those who accept this melancholiac behaviour and declare it 'holy' while believing  themselves to be normal...

  4. I star you for taking ranting to a next level.

    How ironic, many people do the same thing to Islam and claim Islam is violent and whatnot. You want your religion to be respected but aren't willing to give one bit of respect. Shame.

  5. There will be such people who falsely claim to be the messiah and the is said in the Qur'an...shame is some people fall into their clutches and i pray that they get out of their misunderstandings.

  6. Jazakallah for posting this Question

    Thats why we said so many times that he was not up to a civilized person let alone a prophet .

    IF we suppose there would be a prophet after Mohammad ,Even than Mirza's personality was oposite of a Prophet's Personality.

    If u read Sirat Mahdi ( biography) ,u will find so many things Radiculous.

    Plz answer my this Question;...

  7. Now you are talkin !!!!!!!

    Thats what I've been trying to tell you all about Ahmedis and their false Prophet.

  8. he is kafir every kafir is against islam  

  9. Mirza Ghulam Qadiani wrote:

        "It is obvious that a truthful, clever and open-hearted man does not make any lapses in his works.  Yet, if he is mad, indisposed or hypocrite, who for the sake of flattery does agree with others, his writings becomes contradictory."

            (Sat-Bachen, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 10, P. 142; Sat-Bachen, P. 26)

        "He is absolutely an indisposed man whose work is full of fallacies and trivial observations."

             (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, P. 184)

    Is it fair for us to judge Mirza Ghulam in the light of his own writings?  Please review the following brief samples of his discrepancies and decide for yourself if he was "mad, indisposed, or hypocrite". Which one of his contradictory writings should we accept?

            * "I have claimed to be Maseel Maseeh, which stupid people thinks that it is The Promised Messiah ... I have never claimed to be the Messiah ibne Maryam. Anyone who accuses me of it, he is absolutely a liar and fabricator. For the last eight years, I have been announcing that I am only Maseel Maseeh; By that I mean that certain spiritual properties and nature and habits and virtues of Jesus(AS) has been given to me as well by God Almighty."

                   (Izala-e-Auham, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 192)

              "I swear upon that God, who has sent me and lying on Him is the work of accursed one, He has sent me as The Promised Messiah."

                   (Majmoo'a-e-Ishtiharaat, Vol. 3, P. 435)



    * "Very true, Messiah (Jesus) died going to his native land Galeel."

                   (Azala-e-Auham, P. 197)

              "Messiah, very secretly, ran away toward Kashmir and died there."

                   (Kashti-e-Nuh, P. 53)


    "Messiah's (Jesus) miracle, the sparrows and their flight, are proved in the Holy Quran, but even then they retained their earthly status."

        (Aina-e-Kamalat, P. 68)

    "And this should be remembered that those fowls and their flight are not proven in the Holy Quran."

        (Azala-e-Auham, P. 28)

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