
What are the waitress laws in Nevada?

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What are the waitress laws in Nevada?




  1. Nevada gaming law says that you must be 21 to work in an establishment that participates in gaming. $1 million dollar fine for the establishment and $10k for the patron otherwise. According to state law, alcohol and gaming fall into similar categories, therefore the state has decided to make the legal age to serve alcohol 21. You must have a TAM card to work in ANY establishment that serves alcohol, and must be 21 to get it. Even a strip club that serves alcohol will not hire you to dance under 21. If you don't like it (many don't, I don't. If you can die for this country, you should be able to drink), Utah is right next door. Law is law, thats fact.

  2. If you don't tip her, she is allowed to shoot you.

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