
What are the water problems of Australia?

by Guest66921  |  earlier

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just need to know some problems and maybe some suggestions on how they can be solved.





  1. umm..we are in a draught. so im guessing your suggestion would be a 'raindance'.hehehe. seriously though,we have introduced water usage restrictions,the purchase of residential water tanks with a government rebate,we are recycling water( and i think our first recycling plant will be opening soon) pipelines have been built to support smaller rural communities etc,overall the nation has come together really well on this issue and we all have become very water wise( some of us even have buckets in our showers to collect waste and water our gardens ) the list goes on....but thank you for your concern and please feel free to forward any suggestions to the appropriate websites,cheers x

  2. Call the Rain man, mate!

    Let there be rain.

    Well, water ration as a result of drought. More reservoirs is needed.

  3. too much - flood - build channels for the water to go, not stop-banks to prevent it flowing

    not enough - drought - very careful irrigation

    too much from over irrigation - brings the salt up - no solution; it will take about 500 years to be corrected naturally

    damaged rivers, silted up, poisoned, unwanted pests, polluted (any/all of them) - bad planning and management - start again

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