
What are the ways in which i can get free money ?

by Guest60874  |  earlier

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i mean .. get paid for little work or no work at all. and a few details on freelancing.




  1. In all honesty, if you are getting free money for school or other probable cause search and fill out scholarships.  If you are doing something constructive and logical to society, then you can apply for grants. But if you want to be stupid and do things that can get you locked away or either killed, then yeah, like the first person mentioned, go rob a place, or sell illegal substances.  But I work for most of my money, the rest, I get because people feel generous when it comes to those who don't often ask and is all about the right things.  Babysit, that is something little and small. Send in a application to be a secretary or office assistant, that isn't too much work, depending on whose business you are applying for. Good Luck, and I hope my information was of some sort of assistance.

  2. Why do you want to contribute absolutely nothing to society and expect to get paid for it?

  3. Try selling all kinds of Information online.  This site is legit and they even pay you $5 to register!

  4. Give blood

    Sign your body away to science




  5. Stand by the interstate exit holding a sign that states "Will work for food"  That is sure to get you a few bucks as well as work on a tan.

  6. You could rob a 7-eleven, that requires little work.  Other than that I don't know....I WORK FOR A LIVING!

  7. Get a government job, or better yet get elected to congress.

  8. be a male stripper. take off those boxers and i will pay u $$$$ because u are hot

  9. get a job

  10. The lottery (although you have to buy a ticket) and inheritance.  There are lots of ways you can make money without much work, but those require lots of money to begin with and can be fairly risky.

  11. Yes...  you can be a Systems analyst!

  12. Take online surveys! It only takes a few minutes, and you can get paid for them sometimes! Thats probably the closest youll get!

  13. Work for the City as one of those guys that holds a stop sign.

  14. The easiest way to get free money is from free casino promotions. It is very simple. Go to and use their links to signup with online casinos. Choose as many as you like. From there they give you FREE money to play with which you can withdrawl whenever you like or just keep playing with it until you make tons of CASH. Check it out now..


  15. i don't know but when you find out let me know

  16. close your eyes and keep dreaming

  17. do online surveys. they dont pay too much, but if you're a computer addict it will add up. FREE MONEY!

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