
What are the ways of separating hydrogen from different sources?

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  1. That's the 64 billion dollar question.  There are numerous reactions that produce hydrogen, but none are easy and cheap which is why we don't already have a hydrogen based economy.

    The one that is often demonstrated in chemistry class is the electrolysis of water.  Another favorite demo is Zn and HCl. Hydrogen is also produced when many other metals react with acids.  Hydrogen can be produced from natural gas and by algae.

    Rather than reinvent the wheel (or needlessly copy what you can find at this link) click here:

  2. Zn + 2 HCl ---- ZnCl2 + H2  The hydrogen can be coolected by displacing water from an inverted cyinder in a beaker of water.The volume of H2 produced will displace that amount of water from the cylinder.  The bacterium Desulfurococcus fermentans produces large amounts of H2 from fermenting cellulose . H2 can also be obtained from electrolysis of water but this is an expensive proposition.

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